Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Originally posted by givemfitz@Mar 13 2008, 12:03 AM
Just picture Carl from ATHF in his boxers............yeah........pretty much
*wolf whistle & cat calls* :naughty:

Don't remember which one though :(

:lol: :lol: I just saw the episode where Quagmire loses his job and moves in with the Griffins. Then in the middle of the night he slowly moves his toe in Meg's mouth. When she's about to freak out he just whispers 'shhh didn't mean to wake you'

Brilliant :lol:
Because of the convenience of watching it when I want, and take a break when I want.

(and the possibility of watching 10 episodes in a row)

Auctioner: Our first item is a pair of panties confiscated from a prostitute.
Quagmire: Fifty bucks.
Auctioner: She had nine STDs.
Quagmire: Forty-five bucks.
Auctioner: And when we caught her she wet herself.
Quagmire: Fifty bucks.

:lol: :lol:
Peter: Hey hey I got an idea. Lets play "I Never." You got to drink if you did the thing that the person says they never did.

Cleveland: Oh I got one, I never slept with a women with the lights on.
(They all drink.)

Joe: I'll go next, uh I never had sex with Cleveland's wife.
(Quagmire and Cleveland drink.)

Peter: alright lets see uh, I never did a chick in a Logan airport bathroom.
(Only Quagmire drinks.)

****About 33 drinks later****

Peter: God lets see what else is there um...I never gave a reach-around to a spider monkey while reciting the Pledge of Alligence.

Quagmire: Oh God.
(Quagmire takes a drink.)

Joe: I uh I never picked up an illegal alien at Home Depot to take home a choke me while I touch myself.

Quagmire: Oh come on!
(Quagmire drinks again.)

Peter: I never did the same thing except with someone from Joann Fabrics.

Quagmire: Oh God this is ridiculous. You guys suck! (Drinks more and passes out.)
Brain: Ugh, I can't beileve you're serving a three year sentance, it seems so harsh.
Lois: Well, the only upside is that it's given me time to think about why I ended up in here. I guess I was stealin' because I was so sick of the same old routine. I felt like I had a void in my life, like, like, there was a secret hole in me...
Quagmire: Oh God!
Lois:...and I was tryin' to fill that hole with all kinds of expensive objects, and things...
Quagmire: Oh God!!!
Lois: ...and I felt wonderful with all those things fillin' that hole.
Quagmire: Oh God!!!!!!
Lois: I did this to myself, so I'm just gonna have to lay back and let the penal system do its work.
Quagmire: That's sexual too!!!
Quagmire: Who wants to play drink the beer?
Peter: Right here.
[drinks beer]
Peter: What do I win?
Quagmire: Another beer.
Peter: I'm going for the high score.
Quagmire: Actually, Charlie's got the high score.
Charlie: Hey man, your clock won't flush.
Peter: If you could be stranded on a desert island with any woman in the world, who would it be?

Quagmire: Taylor Hanson.

Joe Swanson: Taylor Hanson is a guy.

Quagmire: [Laughs] You guys are yankin' me. "Hey, let's put one over on Quagmire."

Peter: No, he's actually a guy, Quagmire.

Quagmire: What? That's insane. That's impossible.

Quagmire: Oh God. Oh my God. I've got all these magazines. Oh God.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

*Quagmire walks in and sees a woman tied up*
Quagmire: Dear diary... JACKPOT!!!!

and i just saw this :lol: :lol:
Move to Cali or NY. Pretty sure it's state law that everyone have cable there. :P