Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

the skateboard shop gave me that board for free.
it's kind of a generic board that says "i heart md surf and skate".
it lasted for two days before i broke it, or rather the honda that was hauling ass down the street when my board rolled into the road after an attempt at trying to do a kickflip.
it will be missed.
Originally posted by sickboy@Jan 8 2007, 09:16 PM
the skateboard shop gave me that board for free.
it's kind of a generic board that says "i heart md surf and skate".
it lasted for two days before i broke it, or rather the honda that was hauling ass down the street when my board rolled into the road after an attempt at trying to do a kickflip.
it will be missed.
:lol: that last line was genius
Connor got his tubes put in this morning and it went fine. His ears have been bleeding though all day. :( He won't keep cotton in them so we have to chase him around with a tissue so it doesn't drip everywhere. They said it was normal. I had no idea that they would bleed all day. :(
yeah, that's normal.
at least that's what they told my mother.
i bled all over my pillow, but i had no choice, i was still knocked out from the surgery.
is that all he had done?
the tubes in the ears, i mean.
Yeah, they haven't said anything about tonsils or adnoids. The doctor said his ears were pretty bad.
And, I didn't know this was possible but all the antibiotics caused a yeast infection in his ears on top of the ear infection and fluid he already had.
He just finished Vantin. None of them seem to work. He's been through amoxacillin, augmenton, omnicef, vantin, and he's contstantly on the floxin drops.
:lol: :lol: :lol: A little late. Or early.. oh shit it's getting to be time again. :blink:
Bulk up bulk up!! I wish I could have some. I've sworn off sugar again. :(
*drooling over cadburys*

Oh, so about connor's ear, I took him to the doctor that did the surgery and he said that the lining of his ear drum had come off and that was why it was bleeding so much. He siad that it should not have bled as much as it did but he will be okay and we just have to keep a close eye on it.