Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

:lol: Yeah, time to Febreze the crap outta them.

I gotta get some rainboats before I do that. :(
Originally posted by dascoot@Sep 15 2006, 12:46 AM
That kid's a premium dancer.
Um, excuse ME cockbreath, I believe I said he was awesome. ^

Besides I thought you hated "lawl".
Originally posted by sketchyrx@Sep 5 2006, 12:04 AM
Anyone ever hit an animal with your car, on accident? :(
:cry: I hit a baby possum a few hours ago. :(
Originally posted by ledzepgrl@Sep 15 2006, 06:09 PM
Ahhh, I JUST hit a chipmunk. It was pouring rain and wouldn't get outta the wayyyyyyyy. :cry:
Oh man are you serious? We both killed furry woodland creatures on the same day? We really DO have a lot in common. :(

Aww Leone.. wait why were you on the train tracks?
Subway train tracks. ;) He was running around down there and I was hoping that he wouldn't jump on the third rail. :(
You saw him die? :cry: :(

I saw my possum later, after I'd hit him. I was goin to Walmart when I killed him, and once I got there I realized I didn't have my purse, so I had to go home and then go back to Walmart. And the second time I went I looked for him, just in case I didn't hit him that hard and he scampered off.. but I found him. And the worst part is that he was laying off to the side of the road, facing a different direction. He'd survived the hit and was tryin to crawl back home when he died. :cry: I pulled the car over and just sat and cried and told him I was sorry. :(

I don't know :( He was playing by the rail and there was a train coming. I hope the little guy's okay. :(
Awwww that's the worst, when they're just playin and bein cute and fuzzy then they die. I saw this bird get hit once.. there were two of them and they were swooping around together like how the birds do in Disney movies when they're in love. Then his fuckin car comes and smacks one of them, and he lands in the gutter and I ran over to him but he just died right in front of me.

I mean I know birds don't feel the same emotions that humans do and all, but I just kept thinking "His poor wife is gonna be devastated." :(
I saw this baby bird one time, like baby-baby. Fuzzy but didn't have the feathers yet. He fell from the nest. :cry:
:cry: :cry: My brother got a brand-new baby puppy when he was little, and he was so in love with it and then one day it just died. They found out his heart had like exploded from all the heartworms.

He also had a bird, and my mom was feeding it one day and it took off flying in the living room and smacked the ceiling fan and died in her hands.

*sigh* :(