Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

:( Poor birdy, I ask cause when I drive home late at night lots of aminals like to cross the road at the worst time possible, but I haven't ever hit an animal.
We just have possums and armadillos where I live, I wanna be where the cool amminals are.
Like deer? We have lots of those roaming around here. We have possum too just like home. :D

I saw two baby deer run across the street together last year, runnin out of what musta been their home. They had just started tearing down the woods for this tackyass neighborhood at the time. Poor babies. :(
Yah exactly. Across the street they tore down this huge house and excavated way down and now the deer go and forage for stuff but it's all dirt. It's fenced in so they can only go back down into the ravine thingy. We saw 8 of 'em one time. :( But I really wanted to pet one. :)
I pet one at this zoo for injured animals once. His antlers were fuzzy. :)
:wub: I was just thinking I should go to the petting zoo if I really want to pet the animals.
We get points tonight for not talking about sex....


I'm going home now. G'day!