Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Shoot I don't even care, the ball one is the Animal or Monster or whatever? Purple one? It's pretty bitchin, and if I'm gonna buy a Dyson I might as well go for the gusto and get the most spensive one.. I really like the yellow one though.

But no matter! For I shall never own one anyway. I'm a peasant and as such will have to roll around on the floor changing vacuum belts until my dying day. :rolleyes:

Well, I believe that there is the original yellow one, then the animal is purple, and the new ball one is yellow.
i just looked up what one of these dyson things is...looks like a damn rocket ship :blink:
Originally posted by Donutos@Dec 2 2005, 01:55 PM
i just looked up what one of these dyson things is...looks like a damn rocket ship :blink:
:lol: :lol: RHONDA!! We totally didn't even think about that! Forget my cardboard filing cabinet box, we can make a time machine out of a Dyson! *straddles my Eureka like a broomstick to demonstrate*
:lol: :lol: OK, so the excuse goes like this: "Yes honey I know we haven't paid the water bill yet this month, but ya see my friend Leone hasn't been posting for a while, and my other friend Rhonda is hurtin for some pizza, so I got this beauty so I could ride it into the future and.. where are you goin?"

^ Cause that's when he's callin the divorce attorney. :)
Originally posted by dascoot@Dec 2 2005, 02:02 PM
:lol: :lol: OK, so the excuse goes like this: "Yes honey I know we haven't paid the water bill yet this month, but ya see my friend Leone hasn't been posting for a while, and my other friend Rhonda is hurtin for some pizza, so I got this beauty so I could ride it into the future and.. where are you goin?"

^ Cause that's when he's callin the divorce attorney. :)
:lol: "No wait! I can explain! See, Leone had to make this time machine and she was testing it out when the thingamajig broke and she's stuck in the future! And see she was trying to help out so I could get my pizza on but now we need to go rescue her..."
:lol: :lol: And now he's calling the Nut Farm.

Hahah get my pizza on.. :lol:
Meg, I had to shut it down cause someone that I didn't want to find it, found it. He also reads my MySpace so I couldn't respond there. :ph34r:

It'll be back up soon. Have you posted yet?
:o Who is this person?? We'll have to chat later about it. Sorry to hear someone's bugging you. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know!! I have a mean kick! ;)

So guess what? My sister got engaged tonight! Is it possible for me to be so unbelievably thrilled for her, and soo sad at the same time??? :unsure:
Ohhhh that's so cool!! Don't worry girl, you know it's gonna happen when the moment's perfect. ;)

It's not anyone bad, it's my friend from the dildo story. :ph34r: It's just embarassing having someone that knows me in real life reading my blog, ya know? It's cool and all, I just need to move some of the pictures I've uploaded, since he found it by going a Google image search for "dascoot". :rolleyes:
LOL, I don't think I know the dildo story!! But I'm glad it's nothing too bad. I know what you mean about people from "real life" reading your online stuff. I keep mine separate too.
Well fek, I just checked my stalker list and he's now Googling "dascoot melissa" and has quite possibly found me here too. This is getting bizarre and uncomfortable.
Oh my god CREEPYYYY!! Does he know that you know he's stalking you?? Maybe you should forego the dascoot, and rename yourself.... :( Maybe a little sad, but necessary? :angry: I wanna punch dildo-man.

Leave my Melissa alone!
:lol: :wub:

He's like one of my best friends, but it's just weird. And yeah, I asked him the other day to not read my blog because it made me uncomfortable, and he got all pissed off.. then I closed it down because I wasn't sure he would comply.. then I just now find out that he searched for it and cached his results so he could still read it. That's weird, right? I'm not being paranoid?
Um, NO, you are not being paranoid!! I think it's crappy of him to continue to search for you online after you asked him not to! Not very nice thing for a friend to do. And I definitely just googled my screen name here and my xanga one, and they both popped up at the top of the search results. Maybe it's time to reinvent!! Yay, that could be fun.