Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Holy damn, I think I love your dad.

Hehe yeah so someone just came to the door to revoke my Housewife Card. I was told I'm a disgrace. :)
Yeahhhh.. The Board Of Housewifery found out and I got demoted to live-in dogwalker.
Originally posted by Donutos@Dec 1 2005, 03:00 PM
gotta put peanut butter in the mix...and sometimes a little chocolate milk mix. resse's pancakes courtesy of my dad
Sounds good. :) *licks lips*
:lol: She got it baaad, got it baaad, got it baaad.. she's hot for daddy.
hahahahahaha, i just found a pic on my dad online :lol: this is my dad....pretty weird that hes gonna be 50 :huh:
Hey your dad's cute. Mine's 51 and looks exactly like Jerry Springer. People stop him in the street and ask for his autograph. No shit.
Mannn I ain't gots nothin to catch up on. *kicks the wall*

I suppose I could WORK. <_<
Oh! Ohhhhhhh!! Comedy Central or.. no it's not late enough for UPN never mind.

Hey will y'all let me know when they play that R. Kelly one again? Peese?
:lol: :lol:

i mean his new closet rap opera videos...though i don;t blame you for not wanting to watch his 'other' vids
Haha yeah those are the ones I meant.

:lol: :lol: My dog just chased the laser pointer bug into the wall again.