Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

So I gave my dog a haircut last week. I was going to all self-sufficent like an clip him myself instead of going to the groomers. I went to Wal-Mart and bought electric dog clippers and everything. He is now the world's ugliest dog. He looks like he was attacked by a weedwacker. I feel so bad for him. I'll have to post a pic one of these days. I just thought I'd share that with all of you. Don't ever try to save money on doggie haircuts unless your dog like to sit still (which Toby doesn't).

:lol: :lol:

(edit for spelling)
Aww! :lol: We used to do that with my girl dog and she'd totally come out of the whole thing looking like Bill The Cat.
my best friend's mom used to do that every few months, to two cats and a chocolate lab, god it was hilarious to go over there about an hour later

scratches all over mom and just chunks of hair taken out of the animals

my best friend had really wierd parents
Pepperoni and black olives. :) And then a special pizza maybe later. :naughty:

:lol: Yes, then a sausage pizza later.