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I've done a bit of searching on these forums recently for an older Mercedes Benz commercial, and I'm pretty sure there's not a match here. Even though there's lots of older Mercedes commercials here, that's for sure!

Basically the commercial is one of those vintage black-and-white types, with a pretty old-sounding male recording (sounds fifties or before), not barbershop-style as one of the songs already cited here. The lyrics were slow and lugubrious, but warm. I believe that the theme was one of tradition or something similar; the feel of the commercial was quite moving and stayed with me. Does anyone know of the commercial I'm trying to remember?
Do you remember the lyrics? What else is happening in the ad?
I believe it's a series of vintage images and clips of the absolute beginnings of the Mercedes family/company, but I'm not entirely sure on that. I remember images of classic old gentlemen in old photographs, and old old racing cars.

As for the lyrics, unfortunately, I can't remember's been awhile since I've heard it.
It's not those, although some of the older pics in "The Love Never Fades" seem very similar to the ones used in the commercial I'm remembering. This commercial is at least one and probably two or three years old, and as far as I know is no longer on-air.
There was a Mercedes commerial about 2 years ago where images and videos of old cars flashed on the screen to the beat of Fat Boy Slim's "Praise You." it was an awesome commerical. hope that helps
my only guess would be the "falling in love again" commercial. marlene dietrich did the original version back in the 30s sometime. the lyrics go something like "Falling in love again / Never wanted to / What am I to do? / Can't help it"
This may be a long shot, but I am looking for a name of a song that played during movie ads from a long time ago. (I don't think it's playing anymore.) I believe it was for a car commercial (although, it may be for another product) and it usually played in ads before a movie would start in Theaters and in ads for movies on VHS tapes. I can't remember the words to the song, but it had people driving around in cars singing and it was in black and white and had an old-style vibe to it. I also think some or all of the cars were older type of vehicles and some of them may have been going around a race track or something. I believe it came out in the mid-to late 90's or early 00's. I'm not sure if it was specifically a car commercial, but it seems that way in my mind.

If anyone knows the song or the specific ad to this commercial could you please tell me. I've checked a bunch of old tapes and tried googling, but have not had any luck. Thanks.
It really sounds like you're describing the "You Want This Video" by Janet Jackson.

This probably isn't what you're looking for, so try to be more specific if you can.
Actually it's not a long shot because I found it. :D

Thanks for those who tried to help me, but I finally found what I was looking for. I found a VHS tape of Lost World and it was there. It was a Mercedes commercial and the song was called Falling In Love by Marlene Dietrich. I knew it had an old-school vibe to it, but I could only get the tune in my head but not the lyrics. So mystery solved!