LG Refrigerator with Weather Plus


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If you dont know which one this is, turn on TBS for a few minutes it loops on that channel all the time lol. Anyway its a commercial for the LG Refrigerator with a TV screen on one panel and Weather Plus on the other. I dont know what the song is thats playing in the background and i was wondering if anyone had any clue. Any help would be appreciated.
The new ad for the LG TV Fridge with Weatherplus has this happy little song that I must get my hands on. It sounds like its by The Books or something. Got any ideas anyone?
Hey folks-

I'm trying to find informationa 'bout the track for the LG commercial I recently saw (though it may have been on for a while). It features what appear to be stills of a family in a kitchen placed in rapid succession to create the illusion of movement throughout the day. The fridge itself is noteable because it features two video screens, including one for TV. I am pretty sure it's by LG.

Please let me know if you have any info about this song!

It's beautiful and weird, reminds me of the lemon of pink...anyone know what it is?
The music on this LG tv ad woke me up from a nap I liked it so much. I hope I can find out who it is soon. I will post it as soon as I know; I hope someone else does the same!
the commerical is in fast stop motion and the fridge has a lot of pictures on it, and then it disappears and is replaced with the new lg fridge with tv screen...any one know the background toon..it could just be something they composed for the commercial
Yeah I love it too, and was also, funnily enough, reminded of the books. Would looove to know what this song is.
Duplicate topics merged.
Augh. I've just gotten off of the phone with the LG Marketing Department to inquire about this much -sought tune... am sad to report that it is a commercially-developed, 30-second spot played by musicians for hire, not even a band. Not available for sale. Anywhere. Ever. :blink: :blink: <_<

wow, how can that be possible? is that common?

i tried e-mailing LG marketing contacts -- kudos to you for calling.
It does rather sucketh, does it not? Sure has gotten people talking about their ad spot though. The various folks along the chain that I had to speak to to make my way to the right person were all so amused at the topic of my call. Hopefully at lest they will update their site with the spot in the TV commercial section. Presently it only goes through 2005.

Meow. :ok:
Thanks so much for calling and letting us know what you found out. That's sad and wierd that a real band didn't even make it.
Agreed, speaks volumes about the state of the music industry. Can't hear good music on the radio (thank you Clear Channel), have to listen to soundtracks or web blogs or commericals to learn anything, and then half the bands don't even exist. Argh.

Meow meow.
Hello all, well after calling as well...I was told by two people that all of LG's music for advertising come from Paul Brill... www.paulbrill.com. Now, after going there and checking out his music, it wouldn't seem so hearing his style... but you never know these days....it shows he scored a movie for HBO... so, he very well may have done the LG commcercial..I would like to get my hands on it too, saw it again tonight. Tres nifty. :unsure:

"Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin."
-Grace Hansen
i just saw the commercial and immeditately loved it. i hate this commercials and their good music that's made just for the company. but if anyone can find it anywhere..