Last Good Movie You Saw

In a farway land that suffers from the cold breath of the wind, there lies a mountain
It took place during the Civil War and was about a deserter trying to find his way back home to Cold Mountain Virginia.
i like movies that are either funny or action packed. i used to watch movies that were love stories when i was married and then when i was dating. but now... no way.
when i was married i used to watch the movie for my wife (at the time) and after when i was dating i watched the movie for my date. but now, i just have my two little boys in my life and i watch what they want to watch. which is usually a comedy or an action movie. it is all my about two little boys now. when i dated the girls would get mad at me, because i chose my two little boys.
Well that's a stupid thing to get upset over, they're your kids for heaven's sake. So I guess you see a lot of Disney movies then huh?
you go it. a lot of animation movies and also of course cartoons. not to mention a lot of movies like "catch that kid , cody banks, and spy kids. i will do anything for my boys. i guess that is just what the girls that i dated after my divorce did not understand and also my boys come first.
Originally posted by goldengloves88@Feb 7 2007, 02:46 PM
emperor's new groove
God I love that movie. *sigh* David Spade and Patrick Warburton and John Goodman, so funny :) Anyway.