Last Good Movie You Saw

Is the Lake House any good? I've been debating on whether to see it or not....I saw Superman. It was alright. Kinda boring, but Kevin Spacey makes the best villian.
Originally posted by thesassycynic@Jul 1 2006, 07:41 AM
Is the Lake House any good? I've been debating on whether to see it or not....I saw Superman. It was alright. Kinda boring, but Kevin Spacey makes the best villian.
lake house was good, but i think that they could of done better, but i dint quite follow the story, my eyes were always on keanu
:wub: :lol:
But seriously, its worth watching
And hows superman returns without tom?
Keeping The Faith is one of my favorite movies and also American History X - it's Edward Norton. I :heart: him.
I watched Uncle Buck last night and it reminded me when I was younger I wanted to be Tia so bad... :lol: although I think I made that come true. I was pretty rotten to my parents when I was that age.
Doesn't it kill you that Jay Underwood has resorted to doing dog food commercials these days? :( :lol:
You, Me & Dupree is pretty damn awesome. Saw that last night. It looks like they're starting a new trend with showing a little clip after all the credits have gone off. Dupree, Pirates, X-Men....*shrugs*
Originally posted by dascoot@Jul 16 2006, 07:08 AM
Doesn't it kill you that Jay Underwood has resorted to doing dog food commercials these days? :( :lol:
Oh Bug!!! :wub: He was the raddest boyfriend! I KNEW he looked familiar...I just couldn't place it until now. :lol: (He did an eppy of 21 Jump Street right after Uncle Buck. :ph34r: )
Originally posted by thesassycynic@Jul 16 2006, 11:43 AM
You, Me & Dupree is pretty damn awesome. Saw that last night. It looks like they're starting a new trend with showing a little clip after all the credits have gone off. Dupree, Pirates, X-Men....*shrugs*
John Hughes has always done that, and the Farrelly Brothers play clips all throughout the credits.

More people do seem to be doing it lately though, I guess to make people read the credits. And yeah, what was the Pirates clip?
Yeah, I was referring to the fact that people do it more nowadays....not that no one's ever done it before.

At the end of Pirates, the crazy cannibal people adopt the dog as their new leader/idol/person to worship. Most people didn't stay to see it, heh heh.