Last Good Movie You Saw

Fearless was awesome!!! I can't believe it was Jet Li's last movie though :(

Oh well, at least we have Tony Jaa B)
Originally posted by drizzt_fan14@Jun 23 2006, 08:41 PM
Fearless was awesome!!! I can't believe it was Jet Li's last movie though :(

Oh well, at least we have Tony Jaa B)
never mind... last martial arts movie
Originally posted by drizzt_fan14@Jun 23 2006, 04:41 PM
Fearless was awesome!!! I can't believe it was Jet Li's last movie though :(

Oh well, at least we have Tony Jaa B)
Tony Jaa is sweet, Ong Bak owned. His next movie looks even more ridiculous.
Have you seen Tom Yum Goong? Now that was ridiculous but had some of the best fight scenes ever. I heard they're making an Onk Bak 2
Where did you see it?!?!?!?!?! I wanna watch that shit, I saw the trailer.
Hehe, my brother always buys martial arts movies as soon as they come out on DVD. So it's in another language but has subtitles (which is better than dubbed anyway). I don't know what website he buys them from but he gets then a lot earlier than their release in the states. I'll have to ask him...
i heard from my friend that thevc skateboarding bulldog was on Martha this past monday...
Yep he was, I was watching him in the waiting room at my doctor's before they stitched me up. They did a whole We Heart Bulldogs episode.
I went and saw Superman Returns on Tuesday night. I liked it. But I found myself comparing it too much to Donner's and Chris Reeve's Superman that it kind of took me out of the experience (if that makes sense). So I went back on Wednesday I found myself enjoying it more the second time around. First view I give it a 7/10. Second view I bump it up to a 10/10. It is not the ultimate Superman movie, but I have been waiting for Supes to return to the big screen for years. And what I saw I fell in love with. :nerd:
*flex flex*

I saw the movie today. They did a good job casting, the guy they got looks and acts a shitload like Christopher Reeves and I just plain love Kevin Spacey and that kid was an absolute punkin. :heart: