Last Good Movie You Saw

Shoot I don't wanna be the one gettin my ass kicked. I'm a lover not a fighter.
:woo: "But officer, he's big and tall and I'm just a little girl. :("

:lol: I don't remember where I saw it but there's this video of four guys trying to demolish a shed. It's basically one guy in a football helmet, running at the shed wall. The other three are standing around, cheering him on. After 4 or 5 tries, the guy finally breaks the wall. :lol:
:lol: :lol: Don't give boys beer and leave 'em unsupervised or that happens. :ph34r:
OR! DO give em beer and hide behind some trees with the popcorn and wait for the entertainment to begin. :wub:
:lol: And film it, send it in to America's Funniest Home Videos and win $10,000. :woo:
Then spend it all on shoes and burders and not share none of it! :woo:
And repairs for the Lab. :ph34r:

Excellent idea, Agent M. :eek:k: