Last Good Movie You Saw

Mmm, yeah. Not so funny to me. That shit is so scary. I've got a lower 3rd and 4th vertebre that are detiorating becuase they have been smashed together too many times from stuff like that. :huh: I did laugh once when the football players ran into one of them. :p
OK how bout the last BAD movie? We just now finished A History Of Violence and it was EXCRUCIATING.
I loved it but "other" family members did NOT like it. It's just a different type of movie.
People at my work yesterday were talking about how they didn't like Sin City at all which is crazy cause I absolutely loved it. They said that they didn't "get" it.
:lol: What's to get? Violence, sex and more violence. :eek:k:
I'm assuming maybe they didn't get it becuase it kinda skipped around. But I like that in a movie. Like Pulp Fiction. Keeps you thinking. :)
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@May 30 2006, 11:53 AM
Like Pulp Fiction.
Or any other Tarantino flick. :lol:

I gotta see it again 'cause I don't remember it skipping around. :unsure:
Well, it wasn't that it skipped around so much really it was more that it told a short story, then went to the next story, and so on.
Yeah see, that's what I like in movies, something that keeps me stimulated. (Shut up Andy.) And that movie A History Of Violence was about 45 minutes worth of plot stretched out into 2 hours of movie, my ADD was having seizures.
:lol: I'm being very literal, my body kept jerking and I had to get up and walk around for a while and do some jumping jacks and stuff. Hahah then I sat back down and started doing this thing that I do for attention where I start pushing things off the coffee table with my foot, and he's like "CAN'T YOU JUST SIT STILL??" :lol: :lol:
:lol: I can actually picture that. Sean would be more like, "what'd you do that for!!??" "You're going to scratch the coffee table!"
Originally posted by dascoot@May 30 2006, 12:55 PM
:lol: I'm being very literal, my body kept jerking and I had to get up and walk around for a while and do some jumping jacks and stuff. Hahah then I sat back down and started doing this thing that I do for attention where I start pushing things off the coffee table with my foot, and he's like "CAN'T YOU JUST SIT STILL??" :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: Unless it's interesting, I'm usually multi-tasking during movies/tv shows. :lol: "Hmm... this is a great time to check my e-mail!" :leela:
Mine are like watching silent movies because Connor doesn't cry much but when he does it's when we are trying to watch a movie so I'm usually holding him while he's crying and watching stuff go on but I have no idea what's exactly going on in the movie.