Laguna Beach The Real Orange County Season 1

thanks I don't have aim I have yahoo. I am cutierich2001 on that. I just put laguna beach on it and I get a bunch of songs to come up.
Originally posted by stuhlz@Dec 27 2004, 05:40 PM
hey. that song is Waterfall by I-94. I have WinMx too and I can never find any of these songs. I do have Time To Go though. you can im me on aim and I'll send it to you. let me know! :)
Hey stuhlz, can you give me your sn on AIM? I don't have Time To Go and I've been looking all over for it! Could you send it to me? Or you can just add me.. my name is moonstar3026. Thanks!
If you guys like "Time To Go," I HIGHLY suggust getting the cd. It's only like 6 bucks. I like that song too, but the others are even better. You can get it from You can't get the other songs from winmx. Trust me, it's worth it.
Jaime Paxton has been played on Laguna Beach several times, but I can't find her song, "Sunshine." Does anyone know where to find it at? I found "Five Years" on a site about her, but that's the only one they had listed. Help please!!
the song Sunshine was on the final episode when Stephen and Kristin were gettin up top his truck
I tried to look at the old posts for the first episode...and I wasn't able to figure out which song it is...

It's the song where Stephen and Kristin go to dinner and talk about him being at LC's house...not the song right before the commercial...the one that goes "Oh it seems like such fun until you lose what you have won," that one I know...the song before it...the song that was playing when Stephen picks her up and they drive off to the restaurant...

Hopefully, hopefully someone knows...

If you could also send me TIME TO GO...I would definitely appreciate it! My sn is marshallgurlie...but I'm rarely please let me know in advance so I can be on at the same time...THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I am trying to figure out what a sonf is from the first episode. After Lauren shows Stephen her new house being built...what is the song playing when they are standing in the hot tub looking down to the beach???
Sorry, I just realised I sort of put the wrong thing. I know what the theme music is (who doesn't!)....I actually meant the song during the end credits, while the camera sweeps over orange county.

Anyone know it?
I am trying to figure out what a song is from the first episode. After Lauren shows Stephen her new house being built...what is the song playing when they are standing in the hot tub looking down to the beach???

Can anyone help me?
Originally posted by corkstang@Jan 8 2005, 10:23 PM
I am trying to figure out what a sonf is from the first episode. After Lauren shows Stephen her new house being built...what is the song playing when they are standing in the hot tub looking down to the beach???
That was Five For Fighting "100 Years."
Im trying to figure out the name and singer of the song that the girl christina sings when she is at her broadway audition..its in the one of the later episodes..

any help?
i might be wrong but maybe "100 years" by Five for fighting this song was talked about in other posts though
Does anyone know the song I forget when they played it, but Stephen was in it and it sounds something like "on and on and on and on"