How is the Weather in your Area?

woot for 64% humidity! :woo:

Really, flash flood? That happens in New York?
Yes but not in my neighborhood. Come to think of it, I've never seen a lot of flooding here but a lot of towns in Jersey get it bad. Long Island too.

My problem is the subway tunnels getting flooded.
Ooo thats a scary thougt... how's the job thing working out?

Ooo thread Idea
Not really. It's much scarier when you're underground and the power goes out.

It's not.
LIVE!! From the weather desk in Vancouver B.C.

Oops. Wait a minute. That's the U.S. Gulf Coast. My bad. Easy mistake to make though. Canadian weather being the same as ours and all. :P ;)
What time zone is that in? 'Cause the last image is 20:15 which would be 8pm my time.
Originally posted by leone@Jul 10 2005, 02:06 PM
What time zone is that in? 'Cause the last image is 20:15 which would be 8pm my time.
It's in UTC time which I had to look up. Same as GMT basically ;) So yeah it was 8pm in Greenwich England when that was taken. :P
8pm Greenwich = 3pm East Coast. This was 2 hrs ago?

or am I having a short bus moment?
I missed this somehow. They also don't use DLS time so the pics are about an hour old. ;)
Ok here:
Current UTC (or GMT/Zulu)-time used: Sunday, July 10, 2005 at 22:50:11
UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.

So they're not the same. UTC does take Daylight Savings into account. The chart supposedly reflects the time in UTC at the prime meridian when the picture was taken.

It looks like there is still a time difference but it beats the hell out of me why that is.
Originally posted by givemfitz@Jul 10 2005, 07:03 PM
It looks like there is still a time difference but it beats the hell out of me why that is.
I've visited half a dozen websites and I still can't find anything. :unsure: