How is the Weather in your Area?

Originally posted by Scythe@May 31 2005, 02:22 PM
i dont get it :huh:
You're probably handicapped by all that intellect. It just went under your head. :P
It's been raining like crazy the past couple of days in the Canadian prairies. It feels kind of gloomy.
I like it when it rains and then the sun comes out......and then it starts to rain and then the sun comes out....and then it rains some more and then the sun comes out.....but a constant barrage of rain makes it feel a little too gloomy for my sensitive brain. :cry:
See that's when I'm happiest.. and I'm SO not emo! I swear! Just really likey the rain. :)
I also like the thunder and lightning, but we haven't had any of that the past couple of days. Just rain, rain, rain.
Yeah my hair has tripled in girth today from the crapass humidity. Oh and not sure about today but yesterday it was effin 95.
Originally posted by dascoot@Jun 3 2005, 06:31 PM
I guess I'm like the only Do-Be that loves rain.
I :heart: rain. It's raining right now. :)
Hahaha that was totally the song I was hearing in my head. That or "People let me tell you bout my beest frieend.."
It's about to rain here. I looooove rain. Always have. And it smells really good. :)