How is the Weather in your Area?

69 is Dig Out My Tootsie Socks And Wrap Up In A Blankie While I Sit At The Comp weather for me.
. o O (Didn't wanna take Fitz's place as the Board Pervie.. seems I headed that way..)
Me toooooo..! I was playin in the puddles in the rain last night til I got yelled at. :(
Originally posted by Tyrell@Apr 27 2005, 02:16 PM
Just like College. :lol:
:lol: and high school. On my senior trip, one of the teachers fell asleep on bus. So my friend got out his sharpie and drew on his forehead :lol:
Zero :lol: I wish I took a photo but I was afraid the flash would wake him up.