Fact of the day

Damn, can't get the 7th. I assume you meant folding in half cause I can definately put 7 folds in a piece of paper. :P
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@Mar 30 2005, 02:21 PM
Aww, now I feel bad for pointing out earlier that you did that. :P You didn't have to read the entire thing, silly.
:lol: Sure I did. That's who I am. :P And yes I meant in half. ;)
Coconut facts

The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.

More people by far are killed each year on the beaches of the world by falling coconuts than by sharks.
I heard on TV this morning that you have a greater chance of being killed by a vending machine falling over on you than by a shark.
Originally posted by givemfitz@Mar 30 2005, 04:52 PM
Coconut facts

The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.

More people by far are killed each year on the beaches of the world by falling coconuts than by sharks.
I'm watching Cast Away right now.. coconut milk is a natural laxative. :)
It was the part when he built the fire and was eating the crab, and he said it was just in the nick of time because coconut milk was a natural laxative. "The things they never showed us on Gilligan's Island."
Maybe she's letting us know that she's drinking some. :unsure: Just hit pause Scadooter. :ok: <-- original meaning. ;)
The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer. So did the first "MarlboroMan."
Good question. Apparently coconuts are smarter and they don't eat fish. :unsure:
I just gave my dog an Ice Breakers Liquid Ice breath mint and she ran away with her tail tucked. :lol:
Originally posted by givemfitz@Mar 30 2005, 05:25 PM
Good question. Apparently coconuts are smarter and they don't eat fish. :unsure:
Duh I just got this.

Heheh killing people = wise.