Fact of the day


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Did you know its impossible to lick your own elbow?
thats what it said on my penguin chocolate bar.

do you know any facts? or don't you give a fact?
A shot is called a shot because in the old west a shot of whiskey was 12.5 cents and so was a bullet. Some guys who didn't have any cash on them would pay for a shot with a bullet.
i've read that elbow fact before in my school planner they give out to us, and that "over 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow" ;)
I tried it!! In fact I've tried it every single time I've read that fact, and that's been a few times now. I think I just don't want to believe it's impossble and keep hoping I've developed a few extra joints..? Iunno..
isn't there something that says the distance between your wrist and elbow is how big your foot is?
I can like my elbow. I guess I can because I have a long tongue. :lol:

EDIT: Oops haha "Lick" instead of "Like" :P
Golf was developed in Scotland by a group of men that wanted their own secret little game that women couldn't spoil for them and stands for Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden. Err, that's what I heard anyway.

Your heart is the size of your fist.
Originally posted by JCA0688@Mar 5 2005, 10:23 AM
I can like my elbow. I guess I can because I have a long tongue. :lol:

EDIT: Oops haha "Lick" instead of "Like" :P

A/S/L? :)
Last night I was watching In the womb on National Geographic Explorer. And everything in that show was new information, I'm sure a lot of us do not know.
If you gathered all the people in the world together they would fit in a space that's 243 square miles.