CSI Season 5

They just played a rerun of this episode and it made me wonder is anyone has ever figured out what that song is! I didn't catch the lyrics, the song goes off so fast. I thought it was by Portishead or Beth Gibbons but I could not figure it out. Come on, someone's gotta know!!!
I don't think the song is out yet, if it's really a Cinephile song. Here's hoping it does come out soon. The song is fantastic.
This episode is rerunning tonight... I have googled to no avail in trying to find the song when they're examining the boy's room. Nothing. :(
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
CBS 5 Jul 21 09:00pm Add to My Calendar
Series/Drama, 60 Mins.
"Compulsion", Episode #517

hello does anyone know who sings the song in this csi? in liek the first 10-15 min. its kind of like a techno song and then a very soft female voice singing. thanx
what was the song that was playing when the guy was examing the dead 12 year old? this episode was the one where some guys house was infected with mold and it madeblack stuff come out of his eyes.
;) Ok, I'm hoping you all can help me. I am obsessed with a song. I've been looking for -I think it's two years now. I'm actually one of several people who are all searching for this song. I've know about this forum for awhile and have always come here to find songs from commercials, but I joined to ask about this song . It's very hard to find and so far no one has had any luck. If anyone watches CSI it was on the episode called Compulsion(517), in the scene where Catherine is examining the dead boy and his room. I'm not positive on the lyrics but I've included what I think she's singing. It sounds kind of ethereal/electronic,with a pulsing beat, slow, the singer has an accent, and she reminds me of Bjork or Julee Cruise, or Lali Puna, her voice is kind of whispery. Ok, here's what I have for lyrics;

i've been waiting for you to save my world
so why don't you let my soul get rid of my ghosts?
(small pulsing electronic music break)
promises are turning sad
stars are bleaching
my wounds are still breathing

Keep in mind not all of my friends agree on these lyrics, so they could be wrong.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks ahead of time to anyone who answers!! :D
Hey Ad-Rock, thanks for the heads-up. I didn't find it here, must have missed it! There were some interesting suggestions there I will have to check out. And thanks for the info about the CSI site, I'm one of those people on there! I just thought I might find someone on here who had new info. I actually dowloaded those clips and it's very cool to have them. They're pretty good. But I'd still like to find out who sings it. I would like to buy her music. I even wrote to CBS but got no reply. Well, anybody comes up w/ anything, let me know. And thank you again Ad-Rock! :D
So, just to refresh, I guess there are still no takers, hmmm?

I have to find this song! :angry: (sigh) <_<
I posted this once already, but it was in Other music, so maybe it should go here. Anyway I am ever hopeful.
Somone help me find this song!

I am obsessed with this song. I've been looking for -I think it's two years now.
It's very hard to find and so far no one has had any luck.
If anyone watches CSI it was on the episode called Compulsion(517), in the scene where Catherine is examining the dead boy and his room.
I'm not positive on the lyrics but I've included what I think she's singing. It sounds kind of ethereal/electronic,with a pulsing beat, slow, the singer has an accent, and she reminds me of Bjork or Julee Cruise, or Lali Puna, her voice is kind of whispery. Ok, here's what I have for lyrics;

"i've been waiting for you to save my world
so why don't you let my soul get rid of my ghosts?
(small pulsing electronic music break)
promises are turning sad
stars are bleaching
my wounds are still breathing"

Keep in mind not all of my friends agree on these lyrics, so they could be wrong.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Oh, Yes, that's where I'm from, that board. I mean, I was there b4 I came here. Whatever. Anyway, I'm one of those people in that discussion. But we just weren't having any luck there, so I thought I'd expand my horizons.
I think people on this board are pretty resourceful. Even though I just joined up, I've been using Adtunes as a search for awhile.
So, I did download that clip. I love it and it's gotten lots of play! lol (I've only one song that's beaten it!) I'd still like to find out who it is, and maybe get the whole song. you know?
Anyone finds out anything keep me in mind.
Yeah, Elyse is just a great site for CSI fans. She only has the one song listed, good song,I love New Order, but not the one I want. Thank you, though!
i'm not sure if i'm thinking of the same episode, but if i am, does the show start off with a club scene and someone firing a gun? (kinda vague i know). if this is the episode, i thought i heard the guy voice in the song saying "spitfire", so i dunno if this is the name or not or if this helps any - i'm wanting to find the song too.
Originally posted by propellorpower@Sep 3 2005, 01:53 PM
i'm not sure if i'm thinking of the same episode, but if i am, does the show start off with a club scene and someone firing a gun? (kinda vague i know). if this is the episode, i thought i heard the guy voice in the song saying "spitfire", so i dunno if this is the name or not or if this helps any - i'm wanting to find the song too.
Nope, that's a different episode but the song you're looking for is "Spitfire" by Prodigy. You can hear a clip here, track 1.
I was watching the King Baby Episode on Spike TV today (Sep 21) and when Greg's replacement the girl is comparing milk samples there a song playing it sounds so familiar but I can't think of who it's by or what it's called. If anyone knows please let me know.
If I'm thinking of the right episode the song is "Sunday" by Sia.

With one heck of an ENORMOUS, indescribable "thank you" to composer Bill Brown of CSI:NY and his sister, Tricia (check out www.billbrownmusic.com ):

The track is "I've Been Waiting for You" by Costanza, scheduled for release on her zer0killed EP (as track #5) on October 7. She's been known prior for her work with Tricky on "Vulnerable" (the two may have even collaborated on this -- I'm not sure).

See costanza.tv for more info. Looks like sales will likely be direct (including downloads), though suggestions for local record shops / radio stations are also being sought at her website.

~~WOW~~ i know that i have been watching this question be asked and searched for several trillion times...and now the answer is finally here...cool beans B)
awesome leone!