American Idol Season 4


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Does anyone know where I find a copy of this (to buy legally, of course)? I haven't found it on iTunes, Amazon or All Music Guide.

I know it was written by Cathy Dennis, but I can't find any albums on which it appears.

I desperately need a copy, so if anyone can point me in the right direction...

This song was playing when they were showing the people who got through to the next round... I can make out a few lyrics:

"You can't stop me now
I'm gonna make it there somehow
you must believe and never doubt
'cause that's what life is all about"

I feel like I've heard it so I've been trying to figure out who sang this song. Any help would be appreciated.
Is it male/female vocals? What genre?

I remember hearing a Kelly Clarkson song playing during one of those scenes -- but I don't remember which episode...
If I remember correctly, it had male vocals and a rock sound to it.
Does anyone know what song that was at the end of tonight's (2/16) American Idol? I think it was called Keeping the Dream Alive because it was a repeated line in the chorus but I'm not positive.
The song title is "Keeping The Dream Alive". The artist is Freiheit.
Thanks, I just came on here to ask about the song and it was already answered!
Do you mean REACH by Sclub 7 as in "reach for the stars.."?
or Do you mean ONE STEP CLOSER by Sclub juniors as in "one step closer to heaven.."?
I've heard them both somewhere be it American Idol or Star search
:) Can anyone tell me who the group is that sang on the American Idol show that had a synopsis of auditions---one in the rain on a baseball field, and also individual auditions from this past season? It was a beautiful 4-part male harmony that sang "because you're keeping the dream alive"? at the end of Tuesday's show? I dont think this was a song that the contestants sang. Thanks for all help. ALison.
No, I meant the actual short theme song. I found it awhile back on the first season DVD. Thanks, though!
OMG! Be embarrassed with me. :huh: LOL!! I LOVE the opening theme song. I really think that's the REAL reason I watch AI. I have a stereo TV and the song sounds so great on it. I turn up the volume real loud when it comes on and just dance around my living room. Lame, I know but I can't help it. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there feeling the same way as us but just not brave enough to admit it - yet.

I just hope if I ever do get a copy of the theme song, it doesn't disappoint me like most ones do when you hear them in full and away from the TV show it's associated with. I'm willing to find out, though.

Thanks to anyone out there that can help us!!! :D
You can download the themesong to POP IDOL anywhere. It's the exact same song.

There is no CD of it and you won't find it for purchase anywhere.
I have the full minute and a half extended version of the theme song. E-mail me for it.
Hey!! What was the name of the song sung by Betty Odonaue (i think thats how u spell it) and the name of the song sung by kelly pickler. Thank you very much.
Hello all! Here's another song I'm trying to find. 2 seasons ago there's a song in the finale when they showed the compilation of seasons video and they played a song that sounded like paul mcartney. 'We're eeping the dream alive'?? can anyone help me out???
Keeping the Dream Alive
by Freiheit
from the "Say Anything" soundtrack