

All-Star Member
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Wow,this is making me nervous - how silly is that?!So-o-o-o,Tamsin is the name of one of my 2 cats(very original),it's Cornish for Thomasina,I found out later.Sorry Fitz,but my cats are absolute sweeties!
I'm British(surprise!) and have lived in Manhattan for quite a while.(Hi,Leone!).Hum,hum,my job,*coy*.All I'll say at the moment is that a film came out recently and the heroine had my job(Thinks frantically,how many movies have come out recently?!)What else can I tell you?
This forum is the only place I'm tidy(love merging threads!),my place looks like a bomb hit it...
Any Qs?!
Yeah, are you a boy or a girl? How old are you? What is your aversion to the space bar all about? :)
i got it..........

your a magic car that will help Lindsay Lohan win the race
and beat discrimination against young teen whores everywhere
I'm a girl,single,as the song goes about men in New York,they're either married,neurotic or gay.(Or all three!)Space bar? Oh, do you mean putting a space after punctuation marks? ? ? Bloody nuisance,I keep forgetting!Age? *very coy* well, I could say as my grandfather used to when I was little and it drove me crazy "I'm as old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth!"

Or do you mean more spaces tween the lines?

Well,I'm a bit older than some of you(and just how old are you Fitz?Give us a clue!).

I'm not a chat room person,this is the only forum I've joined,it's great and I enjoy you all. Fun bunch o' people.Insane of course...

I have no idea how to post icons and it really bugs me.I've tried clicking,etc,but the best I get is the word description,so how do you do it guys??
Originally posted by Tamsin@Jun 16 2005, 04:57 PM
I'm British(surprise!) and have lived in Manhattan for quite a while.(Hi,Leone!).
Hi! :lol:
Originally posted by Tamsin@Jun 16 2005, 05:16 PM
I have no idea how to post icons and it really bugs me.I've tried clicking,etc,but the best I get is the word description,so how do you do it guys??
You mean the smilies or the avatars?
Do you see the bar on your left? Click on one of those smilies and make sure there's a space between your words and the smilie. Click "Add Reply" and the smilie will show up in your post.
In the month of my birth
A solstice resides
With a clock not quite frozen
A tick past the Ides

The year is a tough one
To army the king
And shared with a recent
newsworthy of sing

Now figure it out
And then do the math
Good luck to you all
I'm off to the bath ;) :P
Yay! :D thanks for putting me out of my misery,Leone!
Okay! The solstices are June and December,their Ides are the 13th.
If the king is Elvis,he joined the army in 1957.I was thinking the sing thing was Michael Jackson,but he was born in 1958...
Howzat so far? :P

PS I'm not a hitwoman :ph34r:
Originally posted by Tamsin@Jun 16 2005, 06:13 PM
I was thinking the sing thing was Michael Jackson
Ok I'm not insane. I was thinking that too. :ph34r:
"With a clock not quite frozen"
One of the warmer months.

"A tick past the Ides"
Possibly the 14th or 16th of the month.