Adidas Song "Whenever I wake up"

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(begin rant) Okay, this is getting frustrating. We've learned at this point that yes, the music for the new Adidas ad was created and performed by Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. However, all this discussion has gone by and no one has come forward with the actual title of the track, or if it even has a name. What drives me crackers about the whole thing is this: Adidas went to all this trouble to produce an original piece for a thirty second commercial selling a shoe, and the track doesn't seem to be available in any fashion. Why do companies insist on doing this? Have they learned nothing from the growing fan base of J. Ralph? When I ask, when will this madness end? How long will companies be selfish with the music in their ads, especially since there's obvious coin to be gained by releasing a single, or at most, a compilation of tracks on one album, as was done by Volkswagen? It's not fair, I tell you! AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!! (end rant)
Got this off another site:
The song IS called "Hello tomorrow" - By Squeak E. Clean. Hope they're right!
from "Mission Impossible: Adidas" by Eleftheria Parpis - AdWeek, March 14, 2005:

The song was created as a full three-minute track and edited down. McBride credits Jonze for making the composition happen. "He reached around to some of his friends and pulled out a really good piece of music for us," says McBride. Although there are no plans yet to release it, he adds, "My hope is that it finds its way to a few MP3 players."

so there is a complete track and they're apparently open to the possibility of releasing it. i hope the buzz keeps building.
No, this ad aired during Scrubs tonight -- was definitely Nike, not Adidas. Man dreaming, running, hitting head, ending up back in bed. Surreal ad, great song. What was the tune?
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I went on a trip after I posted. Dumb. Thank you to those who let me know more about the ad and the song. It was remarkable how much I didn't remember of it. I actually remembered it being a man singing! Anyway I still like the song and the ad and it's a shame that the song was made just for the ad.
Thanks again!
what is the song playing on the adidas commerical about the worlds smartest shoe .. theres a black guy getting up from his bed and starts running in his pjs with the shoes and running in the streets or forest or w/e ... GEEZE what is taht song :blink:
I know, I saw that commercial when I went to go see The Ring Two. I really like it a lot. Maybe we can find it some how, no luck so far though.
Sorry, I just kept looking on Adtunes after I wrote my last response and found that it was "Hello Tomorrow" By: Squeak E. Clean. My bad.
To sum things up the song is Hello Tomorrow by Squeak E. Clean feat./Karen O
awesome song ad is pretty neat too
Incidentally, I found out that Spike Jonze directed the commericial if anyone cares.

Did someone say this song was available? Is is a full length song, or just the version from the :30 spot?

Is it available at ITunes or something like that? And is it Officially The Yeah Yeah Yeahs or just Karen O?

And an official title anyone?

Thanks a lot,
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