ADD babble anyone...

Damn it! I can't find the song playing on the credits of the movie Silent Hill! Shit! :!@#$:

Edit: Nevermind
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@Jun 2 2006, 06:56 PM
That's so thoughtful. I usually take them around 2:30 central time.
3:30pm Monday, be there or be [] Agent L. :ph34r:
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@Jun 2 2006, 05:18 PM
No, I forgot. :( I swear, the times I actually remember and the times that I actually have the ability are completely seperate. I should probably just call after hours and leave a message for them to call me back huh?
Rhonda... *cough, cough*
:D Thanks! *Hands agent L some milanos* K, as soon as I get done with this call I will go on lunch and call. :)
I called. :) Of course they had to take my info and said that he would call me back so hopefully it will be today or tomorrow.
Originally posted by leone+Jun 5 2006, 03:45 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (leone @ Jun 5 2006, 03:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Sir_Garland@Jun 2 2006, 05:18 PM
No, I forgot. :( I swear, the times I actually remember and the times that I actually have the ability are completely seperate. I should probably just call after hours and leave a message for them to call me back huh?
Rhonda... *cough, cough* [/b][/quote]
:( Shitties I forgot.
It's okay. I called and they actually called me back! They didn't specify as to the level of damage but they could definately tell there is signifigant damage to my intestine and I have to go get another biopsy done in 6 months. I also am supposed to take iron supplements but he said it's going to be difficult to find one that is gluten-free. They also said tylenol has gluten. What I thought was weird is that everyone on my celiac forum takes a multi-vitamin and he specifically told me not too. :unsure:
Did he give you a reason for not taking one? And SIX MONTHS?? Good freakin lord why are they waiting that long??

On the plus side, iron pills'll prolly make your poop black, so that'll be fun. :woo:
:lol: @ poop black

No, cause I didn't get to actually talk to HIM which sucks cause his nurse is relaying info back and forth. I think the six months thing is because they want to see if any improvement after me being on the diet. I kinda wish I had a better doctor but the problem is that he actually knows more about this than any of the other doctors around here, which isn't much. <_<
Ahhh ok, I was thinkin they were gonna wait 6 months to get anything done.

Would your insurance cover a doctor in another state, maybe?
No, all insurance around here is poopy. :angry: If I get this other job though it would actually be for an insurance company. :) I don't think their insurance is all that great but I would be making a little bit more so maybe I could go to a PPO instead of my HMO.

Oh guess what!! I can't believe I forgot to tell you. I got a new toy that I'm soooooo excited about. I'll give you a hint. It's purple and it sucks really hard! :lol: And it's normally really frickin expensive but I got one refurbished from the manufacturer at half price. :)

A. Purple People Eater?
B. Dyson?
C. Barney?

I'll go with B. :)
:) Yeppers and I love the other guesses too! :lol: It was still probably more than I should have spent even at half price. expensive fuckers. <_< But of course I just threw that bitch on the credit card. :rolleyes:
AUGHHH A DYSON?!! Does it totally rock the taco?? I want one sooo bad.
I just got it and haven't got a chance to use it yet. Sean actually hogged it and vacumed the whole house so I'm waiting for my doggies to shed so i can have my turn. :lol:
:lol: Poor Rhonda's gonna come home and find red and brown hairballs all over the place. :lol: :ph34r: