ADD babble anyone...

You've chosen your comeback wisely. Those simple words convey the message "You think you know me, so I'll just let you keep on thinking that, but I will hint - by use of a snide comment - that I'm really far more of a dark rebel than you could ever imagine possible."

Well done, you! I've been put in my place!

Except for the part that you think it's a sin to speed.
:lol: I don't even care.. it took me a whole 2 seconds to write that :rolleyes:
Your laughy face and eyeroll are duly noted as brush-offs, yet they seem to overcompensate which speaks volumes. You could just as easily said "Melissa, just shut the fuck up."
:lol: :lol: I'm hoping you're just playing with me

I had a dream that I was on adtunes, and that you were on this vertical banner ad on the right side. And then all of the sudden you started moving around and following my eyes, and you started getting blurry, and then clear, and weird stuff like that.
Yeah I'm just fuckin with you.

Hahah wait what, my PICTURE was on a banner? Or like.. I was perched on your monitor?
I just got back from my thyroid doctor. I'm a regular at the lab cause they have to test my blood each time. This time around this chick that looks younger than me comes out and say, "Rhonda? You ready sweetie?" :huh: I'd never seen her before so I thinks to meself "oh great. <_< A noob."

We get back in her little room thing and she feels on my arm and finds a vein but says, "wow, that's down there pretty deep!" So then I thinks to meself, "so... why don't you find a vein that's closer to the surface cause I know I have a couple."

So she sticks me and of course can't find the frickin vein. :annoyed: She keeps moving it around and sticking it further in my arm. No luck. She calls over the nice experienced lady that usually does mine and she finds it for her but while she is doing that that chick had the nerve to say, "I just don't want to have to stick you again."

Hello??? That would be hella better than just digging around in there hoping to strike it rich! fuckers <_<

your picture was in that banner. and all of the sudden you started moving around and looking at me and stuff. and then i went outside and there was some kinkiness involved but i didn't know the girl. and without being graphic, that's all i remember.
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@Jun 2 2006, 03:35 PM
I just got back from my thyroid doctor. I'm a regular at the lab cause they have to test my blood each time. This time around this chick that looks younger than me comes out and say, "Rhonda? You ready sweetie?" :huh: I'd never seen her before so I thinks to meself "oh great. <_< A noob."

We get back in her little room thing and she feels on my arm and finds a vein but says, "wow, that's down there pretty deep!" So then I thinks to meself, "so... why don't you find a vein that's closer to the surface cause I know I have a couple."

So she sticks me and of course can't find the frickin vein. :annoyed: She keeps moving it around and sticking it further in my arm. No luck. She calls over the nice experienced lady that usually does mine and she finds it for her but while she is doing that that chick had the nerve to say, "I just don't want to have to stick you again."

Hello??? That would be hella better than just digging around in there hoping to strike it rich! fuckers <_<
i'm sorry rhonda, but those beastards did the same thing to me. I actually got poked three times, one of which they moved it around a little and I got a bruise. Beastards. <_<
yeah, I can already feel it's bruising and she hit my muscle or something cause I felt that riight when she did it and it's still bothering me.
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@Jun 2 2006, 04:35 PM
I just got back from my thyroid doctor. I'm a regular at the lab cause they have to test my blood each time. This time around this chick that looks younger than me comes out and say, "Rhonda? You ready sweetie?" :huh: I'd never seen her before so I thinks to meself "oh great. <_< A noob."

We get back in her little room thing and she feels on my arm and finds a vein but says, "wow, that's down there pretty deep!" So then I thinks to meself, "so... why don't you find a vein that's closer to the surface cause I know I have a couple."

So she sticks me and of course can't find the frickin vein. :annoyed: She keeps moving it around and sticking it further in my arm. No luck. She calls over the nice experienced lady that usually does mine and she finds it for her but while she is doing that that chick had the nerve to say, "I just don't want to have to stick you again."

Hello??? That would be hella better than just digging around in there hoping to strike it rich! fuckers <_<
:( Man that kills so bad.. it feels like.. it feels sorta like they're scraping against something hard like glass inside the skin. Well at least that was my drug-addled observation when I was all dehydrated and hiding my veins this one time.

Did they give you any info, test results, anything yet?
No but I usually get a letter in the mail after like a week just telling me what my thyroid levels are at and how much medication to take.
Is this the same doctor you were talkin about before? The one that hadn't called yet?
Nope that was my GI doctor that did the upper endoscopy. This is my endocrinologist.
No, I forgot. :( I swear, the times I actually remember and the times that I actually have the ability are completely seperate. I should probably just call after hours and leave a message for them to call me back huh?
Yeah, but if their answering service is as crappy as my apartment complex's they'll never get it. <_< What time do you take your lunches? On Monday we can send you some kind of reminder. :)