
  1. E

    Verizon "Someday"

    Its a Fairly New Verizon Buisness commercial it has lyrics and it says "Someday." alot in it does anyone know the name and who's it by?
  2. M

    Verizon Wireless VCAST

    Anybody know the title of the Sean Paul song featured in the new commercial for the Verizon Ringback tones?
  3. A

    Verizon VCast

    I hope there's not already a thread, I couldn't find any. Anyway, I know I've seen it on the vcast commercial with shaq, but i think its on other vcast commercials. Maybe even the one with pam anderson. Anyway, it plays the song at the end of the commercial while explaining what vcast is...
  4. K

    Verizon Broadband "Richer Deeper Broader" rap concert Click on tv ads...then second row...the one by itself...looks like a black hip hop group singing in spanish... anyone know this song?
  5. S


    I am trying to figure out what commercial this is. It is from a few years ago. A boyfriend and girlfriend are fighting and the boy is sending her messages to try and say sorry. The girlfriend runs to his apartment in the rain and he opens the door and sees her standing there soaked. I think...