The Hills Season 2

theres an episode of the hills where heidi is obsessing about spencer and audrina (like every episode) and theres a song with the lyrics "it's all sunshine, or it's all rain", i can't find it anywhere. help?
Just did some Googling for ya ...

Possibly ...

Jupiter Sun - "Honey Thief"


I dunno ...
Right or wrong ...
There you go.
Does somebody know the song from one episode from "The Hills", I don't know exaclty which episode it was, but I know the part when the song went on was when Lauren and Jason were out together and Lauren got out from a store and Jason went out of it behind her and the song and the lyrics were " And I wana see you again", I know its a women singing it and thats the only part that I could hear. I hope somebody can help. I've been searching for this song for a very loongtime. :(
on the episode with laurens 21st birthday party, at the end theres a song with "i'm under the spell and i can't hear you say, goodbye" and goodbye repeats a few times. i can't find it. thanks so much for any help i can get.
I've been searching for awhile for this song and could use some serious help. it's at the end of the episode, when jen is leaving laurens apartment and the lyrics go like this

"if promises promises are bound to break
it's a little too late
i'm under your spell and i can't
hear you saying
goodbye, goodbye goodbye..."
and she says goodbye a lot

thanks so much for the help
theres this song that im trying to find the title to...
it starts right after heidi tells spencer that she's not pregnant. he drives away, and right after that commercial/break, the song starts.
has a very pop/punk vibe. female. avril lavigne?
hey. im trying to find a song, its season 2 episode 5.
...i think its episode 5 from season 2.
well, its the episode where lauren and the intern from new york comes and helps with the dinner.
anyways, the song.

the song starts right when lauren, heidi and jen go have dinner at the luna.
i think i have the lyrics, 'alone in a safe spot where no one could find you, i was right behind you...'
i could be totally wrong with the lyrics.
female singer, slow tempo...popish
Originally posted by im a rockstar@Feb 28 2007, 12:28 PM
im looking for the last song from episode 7 (With Friends Like These...) after heidi & lauren fight.
it goes something like "you never were the same and you changed that day and im all alone again"

also a song in episode 6 (You Have Chosen) the song is playing when they get to the club heidi & lauren start singing it.
By any chance, did anyone find out the song that "im a rockstar" was looking for? It was the last song on episode 7 of the The Hills season 2.

If anyone cares- I FINALLY found the song from the end of episode 7 season 2 from the Hills... it's called Alone by Mesh-29, iTunes has the piano version and it's really good (lyrics are below)...

Goodbye cruel world
you were my world
love dies sweet child
so goodnight strange world
goodnight child, goodbye

and I wait, you never were the same
something in you changed that day
and I'm all alone again
stalling to the end
when all you've got is hurt
another lesson learnt
I'm all alone again

I've seen you when you're down
and I've seen you when you smile
but I don't need this, I don't need you

and I wait, you never were the same
something in you changed that day
and I'm all alone again
stalling to the end
when all you've got is hurt
another lesson learnt
I'm all alone again
Raccolta di Testi Canzoni
Hey people in the new years episode theirs a song played rite after spencer had ask heidi to move in with when the two of them went shopping for new years then that song was playing i cant make out the lyrics to song but to help you guys out rite before the song ends lauren heidi and aundrina was getting their hair done then it stopps. If somebody can tell me wat that song is called It will great THANKS !!!!!
Songs that were featured in Season 2 episode 8 "Enough Is Enough":

Greg Johnson - "Save Yourself"
Jet - "Shine On"
Heavenly States - "Beyond The Great Beyond"
Sierra Swan - "Dr. Love Boy"
Spitafield - "Van Buren"
The song was done by a band called Incoming. It is called Keep It Under Control.