moin moin

Originally posted by Vigdis@Dec 7 2005, 11:02 AM
The first time a German friend said this ^ to me I thought she was asking for "juice". :duh:
Originally posted by dascoot@Dec 6 2005, 08:59 PM
Pshh and then you woke up.

First of all, to understand my dogs, you gotta understand who my dogs are. The Black One was born to a 3-legged bitch of a mother. He was always ashamed of this, man. And then right after that he's adopted by this man, Tito Liebowitz. He's a small time gun runner and black lab fight promoter. So he puts The Black One into training. They see he's good. He's DAMN good. But then he had the fight of his life. They pit him against his sister The White One. And The Black One said "No man, that's my sister, I can't fight The White One!" But they made him fight anyway, and TBO, he killed TWO. TBO said "That's it!" He called off all his fights and started doing crack, and he freaked out. Then in a rage he collapsed, and his heart no longer beat.

Wow.. :blink:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh man I love that movie. *wipes tears from eyes while still laughing*
:lol: :lol: I watched it again the other day after we were talkin about it. RED TEAM GO! RED TEAM GO!
*drooling* I bet! HEy I was there for like three days this summer :)
Hahah don't worry about "it", and "bitchin" is just another way to say "cool" or "awesome", so we think you would have a really cool accent. And yeahhhh couldn't tell you what DTM is..

Hehe, a smurf.
Of corrrrse i have thiz strrrrrange gerrrrrman äccänt with thiz verrrrry imprrrrressive rrrrrrrrrrs, zzzetzzz and äääääs.
the female smurrrrrf is the whorrrrre of the smurrrrrf village.
Originally posted by Vigdis@Dec 8 2005, 12:30 PM
Of corrrrse i have thiz strrrrrange gerrrrrman äccänt with thiz verrrrry imprrrrressive rrrrrrrrrrs, zzzetzzz and äääääs.