JCPenney "Calendar"

The music track that you are searching for is an original music track created for the "Calendar" commercial. The music was composed by Nylon, an Australian music company. Nylon also seems to be the "Forever Thursday" presence as well. I am sure that Melanie and Nylon worked on the project together.

I emailed "Forever Thursday" and they stated that I should be able to see the file on iTunes but not sure about the US Store. I replied back stting that it was not there but would be interested in further information on how to grab the track.
I was sent the following iTunes link from Melanie. Its best to have iTunes open before clicking the link... -->


I used the link and was able to download this great song!!
yep - just found it myself

how about more of her music?
did she mention any way of getting our paws on that?
Originally posted by cavagnac@Feb 27 2007, 05:27 AM
I was sent the following iTunes link from Melanie. Its best to have iTunes open before clicking the link... -->


I used the link and was able to download this great song!!
Use this if you wish to support

"How Can It Be" by Forever Thursday

Get it at.

Originally posted by cavagnac@Feb 27 2007, 05:27 AM
I was sent the following iTunes link from Melanie. Its best to have iTunes open before clicking the link... -->


I used the link and was able to download this great song!!
Thank you bunches and bunches for the link. I was so bummed at first when I couldn't find it on US iTunes! I loved the song when I heard it Sunday! Long live Indie Music!
I saw...or rather heard a JcPenny commercial yesterday or the day before and there was some light easy listening type song that sounded pretty cool.

I can't remember much more about it besides that.

Ideas? :D
Does anyone know the name of the song or at least the singer of the new JC Penney commercial? It has a family and they are all doing stuff throughout the day and then it turns into a calendar? Anyone know? It's driving my family crazy! :p

lol and does anyone one know the anem of the song JC Enney used for their Valentines Day commercial? :unsure:
Weird, I couldn't find this yesterday even though it's been out for a while. So happy it's here and on iTunes!

for anyone else having trouble searching, here's the rest of the relevant key words

JCPenney "every day matters" commercial

Song/Band: How Can It Be - Forever Thursday


i say, and so say I
one morning's day seems nothing like it's night
how can it be?
that these things live in me

hey: i know everyone has seen the JC Penny's commercial with the models depicting famous hollywood vintage cinema like: Breakfast at Tiffanys, The Birds, Titanic, Mary Poppins, and some other movie (i forget), where a lady is crossing the street and a cab almost hits her and he hits the cab on the hood at yells at it, then crosses. There is no words to the song, and is very instrumental. The only words are: "Doo-Doo-Doo-Doo-Doo, Doo-ooo-ooh". Its somewhat jazzy (almost Bossa jazz or Parisian jazz). Does anyone know whom the artist is?
