White Trash Trailer Park Theater

The stabbing is luhhhve. :wub: Careful though chipmunk eyes. Watch out yew don't go an loves me near ta death. :D
Time for me to curl up in the kiddie pool wit some Budweiser.
I challenges this Bud whatsawhozits to a dewwl!!! I shall fight foe yo honah my luvly Ms Beaureguard and dies if needs be in ordah ta defend yo nayme. :angry:

I simply cahnnot buhlieve thet yew wuhld consider taken up with such a rascal as this Bud person lessen t'wer aginst yo whill. :annoyed: Thu nuhhve of such uhn individewl should not be spoken of in puhlite cumpny. :!@#$:

Never let it be said tha Dingus Tallywacker Rufus McSwine was deruhlicked when it was a mattah of honah thet come to cawll. <_<
You leave Bud alone Dingus! He never let me down. *glug, glug, glug*