When will you die?

OK OK.. how bout..

Michelangelo's David was originally called "David Hasselhoff" as a tribute to The Perfect Man. However, right before the statue was to be displayed in public for the first time, the massive penis snapped off leaving only a stump. The Hoff was horrified, fearing his reputation would now be tarnished, and he withdrew his last name from the statue and made up the whole Goliath/sling shot story to save face.

Hahah sorry, that was so terrible. :rolleyes: I'm gonna go find me some maple leaves now.
Originally posted by dascoot@Dec 14 2005, 11:57 AM
OK OK.. how bout..

Michelangelo's David was originally called "David Hasselhoff" as a tribute to The Perfect Man. However, right before the statue was to be displayed in public for the first time, the massive penis snapped off leaving only a stump. The Hoff was horrified, fearing his reputation would now be tarnished, and he withdrew his last name from the statue and made up the whole Goliath/sling shot story to save face.

Hahah sorry, that was so terrible. :rolleyes: I'm gonna go find me some maple leaves now.
:lol: :lol:

i definitely can't make one right now
when baywatch was originally cancelled, hoff bought back the rights by selling strands of his prized chest hair. However, the hair was left in the sun for too long, burning away the outside and unlocking the key to all baywatch slowmotion effets from that point forward. in hindsight, historians say this is the reason why the berlin wall fell while the hoff was present, since his guitar was known to be strung with his prized follicles, unleashing an antimatter force that did in fact destroy the barrier between dictatorship and freedom.

ok that's the best i can do right now...i need some pie or something
:lol: :lol: :lol: Yes, yes pie = inspiration. Hahah chest hair guitar..
uh.....yeah. you don't think that it's cool that proof was 6 in 1978? i found out today that it is actually called knight rider and that the guy's last name was knight. how clever is that? so that makes his car the knight rider? does that make my car the sickboy rider too?
I don't think it's ESPECIALLY cool.. there's really no significance or anything, millions of people were 6 in 1978. Was there something about the age or the year that appealed to you?

Yeah his car was actually called Kit. Kit talked. He had a wicked accent. :wub:
:( nooo

I'm just finishing up on my 3d project and then I have to take a couple screenshots of it for my director project and do a little bit of code for them, and then I hand them in tomorrow. Tomorrow's the last day :)
Originally posted by dascoot@Dec 14 2005, 04:52 PM
I don't think it's ESPECIALLY cool.. there's really no significance or anything, millions of people were 6 in 1978. Was there something about the age or the year that appealed to you?

Yeah his car was actually called Kit. Kit talked. He had a wicked accent. :wub:
Silly girl, the fact the I was alive in the year 1978 makes the whole situation cool.
I know it's no Finding Nemo.. but I'm kinda new to this stuff. I worked hard on it though.

*rendering again* <_<
Thanks budddy :)

*throws a paper ball at melissa*

Now where'd that girl run off to?