What are you watching right now?

Yeah it ain't makin'me happy. :( Damn cable company pissed me off. :!@#$:
:lol: :lol: Noooo. I went to them for my internet connection when I bought this laptop cos they're running a six month special for roadrunner but The woman at their counter shouldn't be allowed to hand out fries. <_<
All I wanted was to give them money and walk out with their littlt box noooooooo. :annoyed:
F#%K the supv. If they were worth a crap she wouldn't be there. They just don't get my money. :)
That's true but you're not getting a faster connection. So who's really getting screwed? :ph34r:
:lol: :lol: I'll get DSL when I get around to it. I just didn't want to deal with it anymore that day after she pissed me off so I came home and was online in 5 min.

First she told it couldn't be wireless which I know is bullshit cos I know someone with road runner that has theirs set up that way. I stopped arguing about it figuring why bother. I know better so why argue. Then when I give her the money she asks when I'll be available for the installers to come out. WTF? Who needs installers. Just gimmee the box I'll pick up a router & wireless gizmo on my way home. Then Ms Mensa proceeds to tell me how it's just much too comnplicated for me too hook up myself and yada yada yada yada...........................

Gimmee back my money bitch. :!@#$:
They tried to pull that shit on me too.
"The installers have to come to your house and set it up, oh and you have to pay 'em $50 for it! :)"
"*twitch* Um.... no."
:huh: Did you tell her that you blow shit up so you can prolly figure out how to hook up the damn thing?
:lol: :lol: :lol: I don't get to blow shit up very often but no I didn't. It's not thekind of thing you tell people since 9-11. :(
I think chicks can get away with it because it'll get interpreted as, "Bitch has PMS." :P
Actually I think she was too old for that. :P

I just pictured the whole telling her I blow shit up scenario. As mad as I was I'm sure it would've eneded with a cavity search after being finger printed. I felt like Adam Sandler in Anger Management. :lol:
Has anyone ever seen the movie The Game with Michael Douglas? This one part.. :lol: :lol: