Using "songs" is lazy advertising


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I am waiting (probably hopelessly) that Ad Agencies will stop using songs by hit artists as music for their ads. Some are just disgusting (Led Zepplin for Cadillac).

What happened to the era of original music and jingles? Why are agencies so lazy? Do they think by playing a song "aimed at my age group" is going to bring back some kind of fond memory or feeling that I am then going to transfer to their product?

I think Agency creative teams that use this approach are lazy slugs, too afraid of thier bosses and clients to do anything original.

I can't blame the client too much, they are not creative...otherwise they would not be hiring agencies...

I do not like the wimpy "Outback" jingle but at least it is not recycled junk.

And using "Spencer Davis" in those financial ads with Dennis Hopper...the whole campaign is just sick. What a complete sellout and miscalculation.
As I mentioned the Outback ad, which is current, how does that put me off topic?
Originally posted by martintaylor@Mar 21 2007, 01:43 PM
I do not like the wimpy "Outback" jingle but at least it is not recycled junk.
You're not going to like this, but the Outback "jingle" is an adaptation of the Of Montreal song Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games.

For what it's worth, I like when companies have original jingles, too. But I'm not particularly bothered by them using music by people who know music and are good at it because that is what they do for a living. Sometimes allowing a company to use a song keeps food on the table for struggling artists and allows them to keep making great music rather than get a different job. I like that part.
You're not going to like this, but the Outback "jingle" is an adaptation of the Of Montreal song Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games.


About food on the table...most of the artists used are mega-millionaires. It is the starving jingle writers that I feel sorry for. They used to have a good thing going.

One ad I do like a lot with an old song is the "What are you doing with the rest of your life, North and South and East and West of your life..." Spend it all With Me? Is that it...I should do a search here for posts....but I like it because the vocal is incredible...just a phenomenal singing whomever.

This could go on forever, BUT...

Target Audience. Music evokes an emotion, perception... etc. ALOT of classic Hits are being used in ads. Reminds them of their youth, and for the most part that's who they are targeting, the demo that grew up in that era and can now afford to Crank Zep in their OWN car, that they were unable to back then.

As for selling out.... ALOT of these artists owe the little sucess they have claimed since the commercials, getting more exposure. Liek myspace, except they get ASCAP or BMI or SESAC fees and royalties for it. Nature of the biz.

The "oh man they sold out" era is over....

You never forget singing the abc's and you'll never forget your fav song. And now, YOU won't forget Cadillac!!!
Oh and I almost forgot...

Do they think by playing a song "aimed at my age group" is going to bring back some kind of fond memory or feeling that I am then going to transfer to their product?

YES IT DOES!! Proven by millions spent in research and that's why they do it.

AT&T - "All Around the World" by Oasis. I mean the song sucked when it was first recorded....this is torture.
How many more months will this trifle run?
The Creative Director approved it should be taken out and shot.
I agree and that also goes for that darn John Cougar Mellencampy song for chevy, or GM or whatever it is...maybe we can create a mashup and play over military loudspeakers!
I know the original post was about companies/ad agencies using "hit artists," but commercials are a good way for little-known bands/groups/artists to get their music heard by a large audience that might not have heard them otherwise.

Isn't that what this website is about? Isn't it about finding the songs used in commercials, television shows, and movies that we want to hear again?
i think with the way we use music today, using hits or catchy tunes (like the ford edge commercial) is totally appropriate. people set these songs as their ringtones and that reinforces the advertisement. our kids sing the songs, we hear them on the radio, we listen to them on our mp3 players, etc. etc. etc.

you didn't do any of those things in the 60s...did you?
Points well taken. I did not see that side of it.
Now that I think about it, I have discovered some artists I never would have. Or known that Dusty Springfield was so talented.
I admit that it is sad that the era of the product jingle is over. I'm only 22, so still relatively young. But I still remember famous jingles that I heard as a child. To me those products will forever be associated with those timeless little ditties. But times really have changed. Today at least 60% of the new artists that I discover are courtesy of a snatch of song heard in a commercial, movie or tv show. And there's nothing so disappointing as having a few lines of a song in a commercial and falling in love with it, only to look it up online and find that it was recorded by a private ad company or professional jingle artist and will never be released.