Things YOU have made

Yah he can be a ring too, there's a wire in him and you can coil him around your finger.
Teach me how to do that woman!

That snake one looks like one of those bracelets that you could wear on your upper arm. (Do those have a special name? :unsure: )
I don't know if they do or not.. yeah I tried putting it on my upper arm but I got them fat ol Swedish arms so no dice. Originally I was just goin for the ring and then I realized it was long enough for a bracelet.. I could just make the next one even longer though.

And seriously, it's so easy. If you remember playing with Play-Doh you can do this.
:lol: Lanyard.. I made like an infinity of those at scout camp. :nerd:

Nope not metal, it's polymer clay.
I still have 'em. :nerd: I found myself making the butterfly one with my headphones cord on the train the other day.
Oh I never really made any, I was just quoting Napoleon Dynamite. But I've got the cord stuff for em.. just never learned. :(
I gotta rent that movie one of these days. :ph34r:

Ya know, I can't remember how I learned. :unsure:
Bugger, I'm trying to find a site that has instructions but they're all "pay us, pay us!" <_<
I have some basic instructions that came with this plastic ring I bought, it's supposed to hold the cording in place or some shit I think.
I wanna start an artisan exchange program like the postcard one Steph belongs to.
Any! :woo:

That'll be the thing, every month (or however often we decide to exchange) everyone would send something they've made in their preferred medium to the person on their list. :)
I think that's a good idea. :)

I have a feeling that procrastination will kick in and at the last moment I'll make a little piggy using an eraser and thumbtacks. :lol: