Things YOU have made

All shop, I don't really like Illustrator that much, too clunky.

W00t, I just hit 10,000+ views on all my photos! :)
:o nice Bloodlessr..... I wish I had my own cool made picture.... :(

edit: spelled "picture" wrong :P
Illustrator :wub:

Although my all time favorite free application is Pixel Stick. It's like a beefed up measuring tool, that overlaps your windows, but takes up really little space.
Originally posted by dascoot@Jan 21 2006, 03:10 AM
:lol: Did you see the previews for this week's Boondocks? I know you don't have cable but I think you can see the previews online.. anyway Graddad makes this big honkin burger and uses a donut as the bun.
I'm watching this^ episode right now. :)
Originally posted by Bloodlessr@Feb 4 2006, 02:12 PM
Never heard of it.
PM me with your email, and I'll send you a copy :)
same goes to anyone else
I think he means the works.

It takes some edjamacation on how to use software programs, a bit of studying design basics and design principles, you have to either create a style or use a style someone else has made.. either way it helps to view other people's work, practice, patience, and a passion for what you're doing.