The Sopranos Season 1


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What's the music that plays in the end of the episode when the FBI agent is snapping pictures of everyone with his hidden camera as they have raise a toast for "Junior", the new boss?

Sorry, I know this is old, but I just started rewatching season one.
Any description on the song? Genre, tempo, lyrics, male/female vocals?
Hey all, just wondering if anyone knows the song on the DVD of season 1 Sopranos on the main menu. Much appreciated!

~Christina :)
I know it is called "got yourself a gun", i forget who it is by though, if u search that to look for it, you should find it pretty easy. Good song too, hope that helped..
I just looked and I think the group is called Alabama 3 and the song can also be found under the title "Woke up this morning", hope you find it ;)
The Alabama 3 song is the theme song to the show. You can listen to an audio sample here, track 1.
Actually, that's not the song I'm talking about. It is on the DVD, at the main menu, not at the beginning of the show. It's an instrumental, at least this looping clip is, and it sounds like violins and some bass and a bit of drums.

BTW - sorry about the multiple posts, sometimes my computer gets a little facked up and does funky things. ;)
"Paparazzi" By Xzibit, it's a hip hop song and they're just playing the insturmental in that scence
The Sopranos season 1 "A Hit is a Hit"

Just watched the episode "A Hit is a Hit" from the first season that is currenting being run on A&E.
The band that Christopher and Adriana were producing..does anyone know if the music they played was from a real band (if so, can someone post the name), or created just for the show?