Suzuki Commercial


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Hey Guys

Do you have a link where I can watch the Suzuki commercial with the kids that open the power windows during the car wash and its all soaked inside then the dad's like "Get in the car" after :lol:

And that song at the end is GREATTTT ... If you can ID it for me B)

thnx alot
definitely seen commercial. hilarious. lol any identifying traits? anything you think it might be? even style of music can help. please, a little more detail.
This commercial is definitley similar to the one where the guy is scratching the lotto ticket in the carwash, and he bangs the power window buttons and his wife gets soaked, and is like, "...ah-a...ahh-aa-a...!". I personally find that one much funnier. :lol:

:P But, right, anyway, any identifying musical traits anyone can offer up for the Suzuki carwash commercial would help a lot. I don't remember the song myself.
I cant really explain the music ... it sounds like normal car commercial music

it has a nice guitar riff and some beats and its just smooth but its soo catchy ... it kinda reminds me of an instrumental of that song "There she Goes" B)
I just saw that the same song was used for the new Suzuki car that has the dad and the baby driving down the highway and the baby farts and the dad has to open all the windows and sunroof :D
so maybe check out a saturn site for commercial creds? i heard it again last night, and its definitely sounding techno/electronica sorta thing. anyone kno this?
ok, i can tell you this. its not there she goes. its just not... right, lol
lol i know its not :lol: but its the closest thing to it ... listen to it carefully and you'll know wut i mean :P