Suave shampoo


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What is the name of the song in the Suave commercial where they show the lady and then she has a kid and lets herself go and at the end she has 3 kids and looks great. It sounds classical. My daughter LOVES it! She's 11 months old and will stop everything and spin around to stare at the tv when that commercial comes on. It's so funny.
I don't think they made the song just for the commercial cause I'm pretty sure I've heard it before.
I am searching for the same song if it begins with a lady singing in a high voice, and then breaks into an orchestral theme. The commercial I'm thinking of has a white background and a rapidly changing pictures of mothers. Then in pink text, it says "[I don't know]% of mothers say they have let themselves go." Then a little later there is more pink text that says "But 100% can themselves back." The products advertised are, officially, Suave Professional Styling Products.

I was afraid I would never see the commercial again, and then I wouldn't know what it was for, and then I couldn't ask about it here. But I saw it today. So I took notes. ^.^ Thank you everyone and this site, so much, for just existing. It is such a good idea. ~_^
Well, Rita, if you're not thinking of the same commercial I am, then you are in luck. But I am not in luck. Because I emailed them. And they were like:
Dear Alex,

Thank you for your interest in the music used in our Suave Commercial.

The opera song that was performed in the commercial is an original score and is not available for public information.

We are delighted that you enjoyed the commercial and we appreciate your interest on our behalf.

Your Friends at Suave
Delicious. But they were nice about at least. Wheee...