Smallville Season 8


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Hey, I was wondering if anyone knew what the last (I think) song playing was. The only lyrics I can remember are:

"'Cause I don't know, who I am, who I am without you..."

Or something like that. I'm almost positive I've heard the song before, but I can't for the life of me remember.


at the end of this episode Lex and Clark are standing at Lionels Grave and then lex leaves and clark sprinkles dirt on the grave. there is music playing in the background there is no words. i would love to know this song, its quite good.
there is a song playing in the background when Jimmy is in the Hospital talking to Clark. its very soft and classical like. im wondering if it is just part of the score or if it is an actual song. if anyone has any insight on this that would be awesome.
I posted about this same episode asking for a different song, and you guys totally came through for me. I was wondering if anyone knew what the classical piece was that was the middle of the episode, and if not then, closer to the end. The doctor is in his apartment, working on someone. I think. :/

Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure the artist is Bach. It was one of the ringtones that came with my first phone, and it was called Bach Cello on the phone. I guess I'm wondering if anyone knows the real name, or if that is the real name?

Thanks in advance!
Re: Smallville 02/05/09 - Ending song

wow.. i mean before i could even ask for it.. thank you
Smallville - The Beast 4/30/09

What was the song in the very beginning when Chloe, the blond, is going down the stairs after answering the phone. If anyone knows any of the other songs in the episode can they let me know. Thanks.
This might be the same request but the song that in "Beast" plays at the beginning and the end of the episode. i really want to know the song.
The best site for finding out the identities of Smallville songs is The Definitive Smallville Soundtrack. Right now it just lists "What You Feel" with an unknown artist for the Beast song, but they'll update as they find out who the artist it (it could take a few days though).