Six Degrees

I'm wondering about the song that was playing in the final party scene. It sounded a lot like Scissor Sisters, but I didn't think they had anything new out. I find that Scissor Sisters sometimes sound like The Killers, so is it maybe from their new CD?

Thanks to anyone who can answer. I haven't been able to find a website that's got any music info for this show ... or even many websites for it at all. Even TWOP's put it into PH already. Duhn duhn duhn (hope not, I like it).
The first song was by Gnarls Barkley -- "Gone Daddy Gone," but I think a differnet song played after that one. You can listen to a sample of the first tune here: Amazon. If I figure out the second tune, I'll post it. ;)
It should b the 3rd song I think,
I was interested in the 2nd song,
and I remember they played Gnarls Barkley 1st
then something I want to find 2nd,
then something I also thought sounded like Scissor SIsters 3rd.
Don't know if that will make any difference to your search or not.

However if u do figure out the 2nd tune, I'm looking for it.
It's "I don't feel like dancin'" off the new Scissor Sisters album called Ta Dah!
Yee hah!, you've made dely a very very happy girl. I've been going to Amazon almost weekly now, and checking various miscellaneous websites (don't think I've ever found one that's Scissor Sisters' own site??) looking for a new SS CD because I was so hoping that one would be coming soon. Yes, the song I was enquiring about is "I Don't Feel Like Dancing", and apparently it was co-written by Elton John, not surprising since his early work is so clearly one of their influences. I was aware that the 1st party song was a new version of the old Violent Femmes song "Gone Daddy Gone", the other one didn't catch my attention much, but when I rewatched the last party scene after posting here last night I was *positive* it had to be SS, but I thought I'd been to Amazon fairly recently and seen nothing new, so I didn't bother checking there again. Thank you, thank you - I'll be running out this weekend to buy this CD!
what was that song that was playing after that girl finds out that her fiance was actually cheating on her and like slaps him and she starts running away?

this was during the Oct 12th episode by the way
Not sure when all of these are played, but they are also from "The Puncher":

Why Can't We Be Friends by WAR - opening scenes
Multiply by Jamie Liddel
Fragile by Jennifer Marks
I Don't Feel Like Dancing by Scissor Sisters
Bad Company by Bad Company - karaoke
Tonight by Clare Burson - Steven tells Anya where he disappeared to
what was the song that was played as the cut away from steven at the lawyers office to mae and laura talking in the kitchen and then cut away to whitney talking on the phone to her fiance.
I don't watch Six Degrees, but DO watch Jericho. There was a song on there tonight that was also played on Six Degrees recently. It was "Stardust Universe" by Jakob Dylan.
Hi folks!

Does anyone know the artist/name of the song that was played at the very beginning of the 11/2 episode of Six Degrees? The gal who was singing it had a husky voice that was a little reminiscent of Fiona Apple, and the instrumentation was mostly piano, bass, and soft drums. Here are the lyrics I was able to catch:

the change that we don't see
is happening to me
though you are watching
it is cold, it is dark
in the big black heart ...

Hope someone can help!
Does anybody know the name of the song that was playing while Max and his father fought about his video game? I was so focused on remembering when the song was played that I didn't write down any lyrics.
Hey Swellest,

That song is Vertigo by The Guggenheim Grotto. The whole album is excellent, just downloaded it on iTunes the other day!

Can someone please help with the 1st song? Thanks!
What was the track playing at the end of last night's episode? The entire ep had a pretty solid soundtrack, it fit the show's urban chill feel. The voice on the track at the end was of a familiar female, over a chill electronic beat. It was a distinct voice, but I can't put my finger on it.
LOL just realized I said "last night's episode" when in fact I had just watched it off my DVR last night. But thanks again!
I causght the end of this show during the last scenes of this show and they were playing this song. Anyone know who sings this song? I tried looking on ABC nut to no avail.