Silent Hill

What was the song that played as Rose turned to face the congragation of fanatics in the church just as the barbwire demon rose from behind her? It's a really heavy organ song.

While I'm here, I may as well ask the trite question, how much of the film soundtrack could I find on the game soundtrack? I know it was the greater majority but what won't I find?

Thank you for your help and sorry for my long-windedness.
There was however, a missing piece. The repeated thematic tune, first appearing when Rose discovers the "School" drawing outside of her Jeep, it was subsequently played throughout the film. I am interested in one variation of the song particularly, the scene when Rose chases Alessa (believing she's Sharron) throught the upper reaches of the school to the bathroom, it's the signature tune but a cello has been added to produce a heavily mystic feel.

Thank you for your help.
I meant to say "through the upper reaches of the school."

It should be one of these.

Moonchild" Silent Hill Scene when Rose is in the school and then encounters the miners walking around, ends when the school transforms.

"Promise (Reprise)" Silent Hill 2 Scene during the first flashback of Alessa. Recurring theme in scenes where a revelation regarding Alessa and/or Sharon is made.

A lot of the songs sound similiar and have remixes done it seems. Good luck finding it if these aren't it.
wait so which one is the song for when Cybal and Rose are trying to FIND the hotel?
They are running in the street and Cybal says "They used to say this town was haunted" and Rose replies "I think they were right"
I wish they would release an official score for this film already! I know that majority of the music was taken from the original game soundtracks but there were also a number of songs that were rerecorded by Jeff Danna. Would LOVE to get my hands on this score!
I have made a rip of the whole soundtrack (missing just two unfinished songs), which far surpasses the known unofficial soundtracks. You can check it out here:

Full track listing:

1. Silent Hill (the intro music, movie version of "Silent Hill" from SH1's OST, along with new sounds).
2. Lost Carol (just the game version, there wasn't any mixing done for this track, from SH3).
3. The Strangers (movie version of "For All" and "Follow the Leader", from SH1).
4. The Path To The Lost Ones (one of the movie version of the known song "Promise (Reprise), from SH2, mixed with "The Bitter Season" from SH1).
5. The Abandoned Town (movie version of "Rising Sun", "Hear Nothing and "Nothing Else" from SH1 and "Clockwork Little Happiness" and "Innocent Moon" from SH3).
6. Waiting For You-Live At Heaven's Night Unreleased Tunes (just the album version from SH4, no changes were made).
7. Letter - From The Lost Days (just the game version, from SH3).
8. The Nightmare's Over (movie version of "Ordinary Vanity", from SH2).
9. The Cult (movie version of "A Stray Child" and "I Want Love", from SH3).
10. The Path To Midwich (movie version of "Wounded Warsong" from SH4, along with an unreleased melody at the end [was used in SH3 & SH4] and the bells from "Null Moon", of SH2).
11. The Ghost Town (movie version of "Innocent Moon").
12. Room 111 (movie version of "Only You", "I'll Kill You" and "Never End, Never End, Never End" from SH1 and two unreleased tracks from SH4, called by fans "Room Of Human" and the other one has never been ripped by anyone).
13. The Beginning Of The Ritual (movie version of an unreleased track from SH3, as well as "Killed by Death" from SH1).
14. God of Ash (movie version of "The Day Of Night" from SH2).
15. -
16. Promise (Reprise) (other version) (other version of Promise (Reprise) used at the "Making of" featurette, from SH2).
17. Dahlia ( (movie version of "Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me", from SH3, mixed with "Below The Stairwell", from SH4).
18. Lurking In The Fog (movie version of "The Darkness That Lurks In Our Mind", from SH2).
19. It's All Over (movie version of "Far" from SH1, and mixed with the ending parts of "Prayer" from SH3).
20. Down To The Abyss (movie version of an unreleased track from SH3, nothing special compared to the original track).
21. Dark Alessa (the longest movie version of "Promise (Reprise) from SH2 and "Until The Stars Go Out" and an unreleased theme from SH4).
22. Rest (movie version of "Laura Plays The Piano" from SH2).
23. Otherworld (movie version of "Prayer" from SH3, mixed with another unreleased track similar to "Prayer" again from SH3).
24. The Ghost Town (version 2) (another movie version of "Innocent Moon", from SH3).
25. A Walk In The Haunted Place (movie version of "Maternal Heart" from SH3).
26. Ruined Town (movie version of "Dance With Night Wind form SH3).
27. Dahlia (version 2) (another movie version of "Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me", from SH3, mixed with "Below The Stairwell", from SH4).
28. The Suffering Of The Past (movie version of "Fermata In Mystic Air" from SH2, an unreleased melody found in both SH3 and SH4 as well as an in-game version of "Sickness Unto Foolish Death" from SH3, but can also be found in SH4).
29. School Horrors (movie version of "Kill Angels", "Nothing Else", "Moonchild", "Killed By Death", "Don't Cry" and "Down Time", all from SH1).
30. Burnt (movie version of "Killed By Death" and "My Justice For You", from SH1).
31. -
32. The Final Judgement (the known organ track from the film, movie version of "Uneternal Sleep" and "Last Boss Remix" from SH3, along with a new organ melody). <-- The track isn't finished yet, there is a preview though.
33. Seek The Devil (movie version of an unreleased track from SH3, which is similar to "Prayer").
34. There Is Hope Left (yet another movie version of Promise (Reprise) from SH2).
35. Through The Pit And Ruins (movie version of "Nothing Else" mixed with "Rising Sun" from SH1, an unreleased ingame version of the intro of "Sickness Unto Foolish Death" from SH3 and an unreleased track from SH4).
36. Prayer ~ Christabella's Theme (movie version of the intro of "Clockwork Little Happiness", from SH3).
37. The Road To Hell's Justice (movie version of "Nothing Else" from SH1, and 2 unreleased tracks from SH4).
38. Ring Of Fire (not from Silent Hill, simply used at the film, sang by Johny Cash).
39. All The Way Throught The Darkness (movie version of "Block Mind", mixed with "Black Fairy" and "The Darkness That Lurks In Our Mind" from SH2, and "The Suicidal Clock Chime" from SH4).
40. The Demon's Shadow (entirely composed by Jeff Danna, no game version).
41. Now There Are Only Memories Left (movie version of "Magdelene", from SH2).
42. We're Coming Home (another movie version of "Laura Plays The Piano", from SH2).
43. Hell Is Coming (movie version of "Ashes And Ghost" from SH2, mixed with "Over" from SH1).
44. Abandoned School (movie version of "Hear Nothing" from SH1).
45. No Way Out (another movie version of "Rising Sun" from SH1).
46. The Blind Truth (either a movie version of a never before heard track, or an original composition by Jeff Danna).
47. Alessa's Harmony (movie version of "Promise (Reprise) from SH2 mixed with an unreleased song from SH4, called by fans "Below the Stairwell").
48. You're Not Here.
49. Tears of...
50. Theme of Laura
51. Lovin' You.