Sharp Aquos

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Hey all, saw a cool new commercial for Shar's Aquos TVs (Plasma line). It starts with about 30 sec + of just showing people in everyday life and has a great piano track playing, very beautiful. Then shows the TVs etc at the end. Any ideas what this song is? Thanks!

I also saw that commercial this weekend and definitely dug the music. The ad itself was pretty cool as well. The last Aquos ad was handled by Oasis advertising. However, a quick email to them revealed that they no longer handled Sharp. The very helpful person who answered directed me to Wieden + Kennedy as the people now doing the Sharp ads.

The W+K web site does not have any contact email information, so I left a voice mail at their Portland office. Hopefully they will call or email me back.

If not, then hopefully someone else has better luck using a different method.


Update: I got a (very quick) call from Michelle at W+K. Apparently the ad in question was a collaboration between several of their offices. She is in the process of collecting all of the "creative" data and may have it as early as tomorrow. She said she would call me back when it happened. So hopefully an answer is forthcoming. --JR
It's a nice tune, but I'll take 10:1 odds that the song was created solely for the commercial and will never be released.
Yeah, I just heard this on TV a second ago and I was amazed by the music. I hope we'll be able to find it, I really liked it.
I also signed up just for this song. It's so frickin' rad. Why wouldn't they publish it? Seems to me like it would be really popular........keep me posted!
I just caught the ad. It sounds like a really cool song. I hope you guys are wrong and it will be released.
I just saw the ad for Sharp Aquos TV. It doesn't have lyrics, sounds like a piano. I can't find a link to the ad, but if anyone has any idea, please help!
Originally posted by ActuarialMadness@Sep 19 2004, 10:20 AM linked to this very thread, buddy.
Actually, she originally didn't. I merged the duplicate threads together.
i am also looking for this song if anyone knows where to get it notify me

also does anyone know of any other beautiful piano tracks similar or non similar to this one that I could get? I am looking for piano pieces i recently fell in love with piano tracks
Originally posted by michelle+Sep 19 2004, 12:54 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (michelle @ Sep 19 2004, 12:54 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-ActuarialMadness@Sep 19 2004, 10:20 AM linked to this very thread, buddy.
Actually, she originally didn't. I merged the duplicate threads together. [/b][/quote]
:P So there! :lol:
also does anyone know of any other beautiful piano tracks similar or non similar to this one that I could get? I am looking for piano pieces i recently fell in love with piano tracks

Check out the new album from Craig Armstrong entitled 'Piano Works' to be released in the US on October 5.

Buy it at
I don't mean to beat this one to death, but I just noticed something. Are we all referring to the same new Aquos commercial?

I just saw the one that I am interested in again last night almost twice in a row on Comedy Central, and now that I think about it, I don't think its even a piano. It sounded way more like some cool bell instrument or something.

All the scenes where sort of in slo-mo, like a woman jogging, and a couple standing on a train.

Does this sound familiar to anyone else? Is it possible that there is a new third Aquos commercial? The song is really awesome but I just don't think its a piano like everyone in this thread is talking about. Maybe I gotta get my ears checked....

Any thoughts?

(By the way if, I catch it again, I'll try to tape it or something to post a clip to see if we're all talking about the same commercial)
Originally posted by fluke111@Sep 20 2004, 08:26 AM
I don't mean to beat this one to death, but I just noticed something. Are we all referring to the same new Aquos commercial?
Well, I am talking about the piano one, like the title and original post in the thread asks about.
Well, I stand corrected. I managed to catch the commercial again, and it is in fact a piano. It appears to be a piano with some weird synth bell-ish stuff in the background that for some reason stood out more in my mind. Either way, damn beautiful.

I also managed to tape most of it (missed the first couple seconds), and will post a link to the audio (and maybe the video) of what I've got if anyone's interested.
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