Aah. The delicately arpeggiated masterpiece strewn with light synth pads and voice topped off with a mystical and magical feel that makes the Dow Chemical company look great. Sounds like I wrote it, but not the case. However, I am a composer for film and television and I feel obligated to tell some of you on this thread about the biz. It's not always an artist or group's music that gets used, it could be a composer's like myself.
There are a few cases where a composer could be hired to actually write the music for a commercial, but today there are vast music libraries with everything from rock electro pop to underground hip hop jazz. It's usually easier, faster, and cheaper for an ad agency like draft fcb to search the library, pull out what they're looking for and license it. It sucks for the composer if its a big library because there is less of a chance of the music getting licensed. This music is also harder to find once used, as is the case here.
I wish there were a law that they show the creator of the music upon using it either before, after, or during if its a commercial. But, oh well.
It's great to know that there is still a demand for beautiful music out there. In the composing business, its not always beautiful we're after in order to find work. In the olden days however, it was. I think we need to find a way to return to that.