Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

He's such an asshole even when not taken out of context. :angry: Just be glad he's not YOUR president. *crosses fingers for Obama to win* :)
Originally posted by sketchyrx@Sep 8 2007, 12:16 PM
He's such an asshole even when not taken out of context. :angry: Just be glad he's not YOUR president. *crosses fingers for Obama to win* :)
I thank god for that every day.

BTW he really looks a lot like a monkey... a lemur or something
They eat brains? Lock them in a room with dubya and let em starve. Problem solved. ;)
*thinking of that Homer/zombie scene in one of the Halloween specials* :lol:
Well if you know anyone that has something that looks like that....get them to a doctor. :blink: