Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

You could either try sending it to the phone or hook it up to your computer and DL it that way. Although I'm not sure what format it should be in. :unsure: Prolly mp3.
is there a way to get oil out of a shirt?
it seems that i have ruined my work shirt when i was helping a lady move her car out of the road (i slipped and fell into a puddle of what i hope is oil, if it's not, i'm throwing this thing away and doing my best crying game impression).
if not, it's cool, i have back-up shirts, but this is a new one.
Nope, I'm pretty sure it's screwed. I've heard adding salt to the laundry helps but it ain't never worked for me. *shrug*
that's okay, i can buy another one when i go to work tomorrow.
if i go to work tomorrow.
i ate fish and i feel like throwing up.
maybe it's because i hate fish, but my brother bought it for me for lunch and i didn't want to hurt his feelings and not eat it.
boy, am i stupid and i'm paying the price for my stupidity.

This is your mission should you choose to accept;

We must make an "ice knife". See, we can use this "ice knife" and then it shall melt and there will be no evidence... :devil:
;) I knew you would be up for it.

And you gotta love the fact that there was no question as to why. :lol: