Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

FUCK NO! Well, I say that.. you're welcome to it NOW. :devil:

Anyone know of a good marinade for a steak? Not just A1 or worcestershire.
Not any more original than the other two but I like teriyaki. *shrugs*
:lol: Dohnt bery thaat stayk uhp on thaat hill. Nhot uhp theya. Nhot whea thu Indyins used ta. Bhetta off ded. So dohnt do it. Ya heyah. Nhot uhp theya. :P
If ^that^ doesn't make sense within about a minute you'll just hurt your head thinking about it. :lol:
Well I was paraphrasing so correcting the spelling and googling won't help and the phonics are about impossible for the thing I was trying at. *shrugs*
That's like the one Stephen King book I didn't read, but I could tell by the accent that you were goin for a noreaster. ;)
I just thought up Pet Cemetery II (The Second Helping). Bury your leftovers up there and see what walks outta the woods. :P
That was the first one I read by him. It would've been 'Salem's Lot but I still can't get past page 200. :lol:
Originally posted by givemfitz@Feb 18 2007, 01:46 PM
I just thought up Pet Cemetery II (The Second Helping). Bury your leftovers up there and see what walks outta the woods. :P
:lol: :lol: Attack of the Tofurkey! :ph34r: