Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

:lol: :lol: I have an oral fixation so I never really stopped chewing em. I like the way the plastic sounds when it plinks against my teeth. :ph34r:
Do you eat straws too? The ends are flat and deformed by the time I'm done with 'em. :ph34r:
Yessum. :) Favorite straw deforming activity: flatten the very end and then from there coil the straw upwards an inch or two, then CHOMP CHOMP on the coil. It has good give from all the layers of straw. :)
I think I've done that before. :lol: There's another one where you flat and fold one end so it looks like a V. :nerd:
Tee hee I do that and then stick it in the gap between my teeth and poke people with it.
Every get an extra straw and stick on your canines and do one of those "Hey look, I'm a walrus!"

They fall off. :(
Hahah yeah.. or how bout sticking a fry into the straw and tryin to suck some coke through it?
Heck yes, salty and sweet. :wub: Oh ok how about removing the paper wrapper so that it's all scrunched up and then dropping your drink on it and watching it come aliiiive. :ph34r:
Have'nt tried that either. What about when take the wrapper, tie it around the straw and give it a scarf? :)
:lol: I haven't done that, but the times I don't play Wrapper Snake I have a compulsion to straighten the wrapper out flat, following the seam.. like folding pants. Then sometimes I make tiny paper footballs with them. :)
:lol: You can put 'em in people's hair and they wouldn't notice! :devil:
Yup. :) Plus the paper wads up pretty small, and the straw makes for a bitchin spitball gun. :leela:
you --> :devil:

Hey any chicks in their 20's remember this line of dolls from the early 80's.. it was always a set, you got a mermaid doll, a baby mermaid, and like a pet (I think the one I had was a seal) and they all fit into this lillypad-shaped sponge that had slits in it so you could stick the dolls in and the whole thing'd float around the tub.. ?
Oh holy crap I found it!! Sea Wees! I can't believe I found that. :blink:
:lol: :lol: "Sea Wees"

click :blink: I think I should save my old toys and sell 'em on ebay in like 10 years.
Right? I don't remember which mermaid or baby I had but this was the pet I had, the guy in the middle. Whiskers. I haven't seen that thing in probably 20 years and as soon as the picture loaded I could remember the texture of his tail in my mouth.

I swear I don't mean that to sound dirty. I just chewed on a lot of toys when I was little.