Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

:lol: :ok:

Did I tell you about my new kitty buddy? I was outside and this little baby cat just came up and started rubbin on my legs and mew-mew-mewing at me. And I'm like HEY lookit, can we keep him? And Party Pooper's like "NO." So I was tryin to tell kitty he had to go away because I was gonna go inside now but he wouldn't leave, and I opened the door and Seamus comes chargin like gangbusters outside, knocks me over, tramples the kitty and gets halfway down the stairs before he realized Hey that was a cat! and comes running back up. And the cat's hissing and batting at him, and he's tryin to sniff its ass, and H is bawling at me to get the dog inside before he eats the cat but I'm just laughing and telling him to go get the camera (which he brought too late) because here's the 60-odd pound black lab yelping and tucking his tail at this vicious little 5 lbs of fluff. It was so cute, and it proved my point that Seamus won't eat any little brothers or sisters, so now maybe I can get a new baby. :)
Naww but there was a stray cat that had some babies in the bushes right beneath my apartment last year, I'm guessing she came back and deposited another litter.
:lol: So you encoded the cat-splosion plans and will be broadcasting them during The Simpsons? Clever girl. :naughty:
Yeah they better, I need some more firewater and assknob STILL hasn't paid me. :annoyed:
Nope, now he's just not returning my emails. If he didn't owe me so much I'd just auction it off.. I doubt I'd get anywhere near as much from someone else as I would from him.

I finished a new one though! :)