Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Eek! :unsure:

Years and years ago, I was babysitting and sitting in the living room....and the door (which was NEVER used) was closed tightly and locked....and it had a little curtain over the window part. All of a sudden out of nowhere, the curtain started blowing back and forth, from the inside. :huh:

Okay so that's not exactly like your story....but it still freaked me out. :lol:
I bet it did, that shit's creepy, especially in an unfamiliar house.

I'm not usually all that scared about the weird stuff that happens around me anymore but they're usually verrrry subtle, like a whisper here or a shadow there. It's not often I get something as blatant and the tv turning on. I thought it might even be my dog sitting on the clicker but the clicker was in the basket on top of the tv where I put it so it doesn't get chewed on.

Haha so yeah, I went out there and was like "OK dudes, what's up, you wanna tell me something or are you just sayin hi?" and the a/c kicked on and I jumped like a little bitch. :lol: :rolleyes:
Hahah :lol:

Last night I was babysitting and the kids were sleeping...or so I thought....and then all of a sudden, on the baby monitor, I hear "Becca!! Becca!!"....in this raspy whisper. :lol: I almost had a heart attack.
OK and now my cell phone keeps making this high-pitched squeaking noise but there's no one calling me. :blink:
Originally posted by ledzepgrl@Aug 21 2006, 03:40 AM
Hahah :lol:

Last night I was babysitting and the kids were sleeping...or so I thought....and then all of a sudden, on the baby monitor, I hear "Becca!! Becca!!"....in this raspy whisper. :lol: I almost had a heart attack.
Weirrrrd, I assume it was one of the kids though huh?
For real, whispers are gross. *bleh* Unless it's a guy whisperin in your ear, then that rocks. :)

Oh ok well night! Sweet dreams.
Totally. But pretty girls are allowed to have em. That's why Leone and Anthony have been out of school this whole time. :)